Chapter 25

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POV Helena

-What date is today? - I asked Edward

- March 10 - He replied, we were about to cross to corner.

-Oh well. We've been together for a long time, have not we?

-Yes - He replied giving me a big smile I also smiled. I put my hands around his neck and kissed him. I pushed him to the wall and separated my body a bit from him, I looked at him, I smiled at him and kissed him again. Little by little I put my hands down his chest until I put one on the button of his pants, he moaned and if he had not closed his eyes he would have noticed that I took one of the bats in the corner. I separated from his lips, I smiled at him and then I hit him in the head until I knocked him unconscious. I breathed a sigh that I did not know I was holding and I cried as much as I could.

After a few minutes I took her body into the cabin and put it in the room where I had been locked. I closed everything around the room inside and outside to make sure I would not leave. When I made the arrangements I had to make, I went to the cellars to look for chains that he had mentioned once in which he never stopped talking and with them I kept Edward chained in a tube that was in the room. It was 3 hours since I knocked him out and finally he woke up. I was sitting in front of him in a chair.

- Already wake up, beautiful sleeping - I said in a cold tone when I saw that opened his eyes.

-What? - He spoke in a confused voice- What are you supposed to do?

-Go... That's what I do- I spoke in the same cold tone.

-But ... But if everything went well a short time ago- he replied sadly. I put it to his ear and whispered:

-I had planned that everything was special between us, but you ruined it by telling me the date. Now, I'm not here to miss my daughter's birthday- I walked away and walked to the door and when I was about to close it I turned to see him and tell him- Do not worry, you have food for a couple of days, I leave you a bucket as a toilet and I promise you that by the time I get to the police I will send them for you- through the door firmly and hear Edward's sobs on the other side and constant "Sorry, love, sorry". When I left the cabin I took a bicycle that I saw nearby and went to any nearby road

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