Chapter 23

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POV Helena

It had been 6 months since Edward kidnapped me. In all that time he did not touch me again or try anything sexual. Every day in the morning he fed me and tried to get my word out but he never made it, he always kept me tied to the cot, now we were not in his house but he took me to a lonely cabin but I did not know her location. He fed me 3 times a day and gave me water 8 times a day, even bathed me daily. When I refused to taste food he would slap me and threaten to hit me.
Edward came into the room to feed me.

-Good morning, my love- spoke to me with a sweet voice and I just watched him without any emotion- I brought you the food- he placed the tray on my legs and then began to feed me.

-Can I get out of here? - I asked in a hoarse voice because of the disuse. He looked me in the eyes and smiled.

- Go out where? -he asked

-Outside. I just want to get fresh air -I replied softly.

- We'll go out, both. I do not want to risk you trying to run away- took my chin and kissed me- You will leave this room with a condition.

-Which? I need to walk

-What when we return to this room we make love- he said with hope

- Sure, I was thinking about that a few days ago but I did not know how you would react- I answered with a smile- Are you going to untie me?

-Of course- said that began to untie me. When he did, I asked him:

-Will you help me walk? I have a long time not to walk.

-Oh, you're right- he smiled and grabbed me by the waist.

-Thank you

We left the room and he took me to the garden of the cabin. I squinted my eyes in the sunlight, for it irritated my vision. We walked around the cabin and Edward explained that in each corner he had a bat to "defend" in case someone tried to enter, but I knew it was in case he tried to run away.

-What date is today? - I asked Edward

- March 10 - he replied, we were about to cross a corner.

-Oh well. We've been together for a long time, have not we?

-Yes - he replied giving me a big smile I also smiled. I put my hands around his neck and kissed him. I pushed him to the wall and separated my body a bit from him, I looked at him, I smiled at him and kissed him again.

AN: Kill me!!! 👩🔫🔫 I was wrong to publish chapters

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