Chapter 22

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POV Johnny 

Dubitatively I approached Adri's room and knocked on her door. I tried to suppress the tears that wanted to invade my face so as not to worry my daughter. Seconds later her smiling face appeared by the door but when she saw my face her smile fell.

-Dad? What's wrong? - she asked worried. - Why are you crying?

-Adri ... It's your mother ...

-She told you something? - She sounded annoying

-No ... She ... She ...- I sighed- Edward kidnapped her- her face changed to a terrible terror.

-This is my fault- She said burying his face in his hands- If I had not said anything, this would not have happened.

- Shhh, hush, love- I hugged her to give her some comfort- It's not your fault ... You did the right thing, you were brave. Calm down, she'll be back soon, I promise.

-Really? - Asked between sobs

- Sure, you'll see. We will have them quickly here again and then we will be 4.

-Four?-She asked, bewildered. I had forgotten that Helena had not told Adri about her pregnancy, the day she told me she said she would do it the next day but her nerves beat her and finally she did not say anything.

-Your mother ... She is pregnant- her face widened into a smile and she wiped the tears with the back of her hand.

-Are you the father? - she asked hopefully. I smiled sadly.

- It's what I would most like, but it's not like that. The baby is Edward's ... With your mother I do not happen to be her  best friend and confidant- I laughed bitterly- I deserve it after everything I made her suffer.

-Oh, Dad- She said quietly. -You deserve her love, you've waited for her for many years even when she loved someone else. You have always been for her.

- I feel I was so clumsy that I realized I could not be without her the moment I completely lost her- I laughed- I was an idiot right? - Adri nodded. I laughed again. -I really love your mother.

-I know. Many times I wonder why humans are like that?

- How? - I asked confused - We do not appreciate what we have or who we have until we lose it completely.

-You're right- I said with a smile. We were still silent at the door, then she made me enter her room and cried in my chest until she fell asleep.

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