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"Sugar daddy?" I question awkwardly. I never heard this term before. The only recent term I heard of was thot. Shawn leans in closer with an electric smile, and those eyes hold secrets that I can only hope he would reveal to me in time. But, my mind is already a whirlwind.

"You never heard of that before?"

"No," I confess to him. Oh great! He thinks I am some type of loser. I can already feel it. And why on Earth would Shawn settle for these types of arrangements? Does he have a commitment and emotional issues? Or does it just work for him? 

He could be an extremely busy man that does not have time for a proper relationship. Maybe Shawn just does not see the point of being tied down for long? Or Shawn just cannot deal with being in love? 

"So, you never dated a man strictly for his money?"

Damn he got real quick. Talking about going from zero to hundred. I saw how he licked his lips whenever he talked about his money. It makes me wonder. How much money Shawn has? How many men have been in my shoes like this? 

"Obviously no," I remark.

"How many men have you dated? How many men have you had sex with?" 

"I only had one boyfriend back in high school," I reply. Kinda of sad whenever I think about it now. But, nothing I can do about that.

"And was he your only sexual partner?"

"Yes," I nod my head. My cheeks are blushing red. Here I am in the middle of a fancy restaurant with a man I barely know. Talking about my pretty much barren sex life. A man who can pretty much have any Adam of this town. Yet, he is saddled with me. 

What a concept. 

"So I would be your second?"

"Is that not what usually comes after first? Second?" I joke with him. Shawn lets out a tiny laugh. Which makes this whole thing less awkward. I just cannot believe this is my actual reality right now. Why is Shawn wasting his time on me?

"That was a good one," Shawn states full of amusement. He smiles a big one, then drinks the rest of his water. 

"Is there not an app you can go on to um find.....," my voice trails off. 

"Sugarbabies?" Shawn questions then arch one of his brown bushy eyebrows. "Yes, but I prefer to meet my potential sugar babies in person. Apps are too impersonal for me. So I prefer to be discreet." 


"Because I am a very private person," Shawn reveals about himself. "I have a lot of money and I like to be in control."


"Yes," he nods his head. "Is that going to be a problem?" 

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