Vodka - Sterek

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A/N What a time it is to be alive. I've finished my exams, I went to a super fancy awards show, and I can't be more proud of my friends and their films.

Anyways, I wrote this because I thought how hilarious it would be while drinking the same drink Stiles does. Yay inspiration! Enjoy!


It's been a crappy day. I left my homework at home, then Mr Harris hassled me more than usual, Coach made me run more laps than anyone else because 'You gotta speed up Bilinski!' Like come on, I have to run for my life every other week. I don't think that I can get any faster.

I'm heading to my Jeep when I decide to complain a little to Derek. So I take my phone out and send a quick text to him before I jump into Roscoe and head home.

I'm sitting on my couch, reading, when I receive a text from Stiles.

'I need a drink.'

Um. What? Last time I checked Stiles wasn't twenty-one. So there's alarm bells going off in my head. I know I'm probably sounding like a real dad at the moment. But Stiles is important to me and my protectiveness is coming out.

So without hesitation, I get up, grab my keys, and head out to Stiles' house.


I pull into the driveway. John must be on shift at the moment. I get out and rush into the house.

Stiles is sitting in the lounge with a massive glass of clear liquid.


I immediately snatch it from him, growling.

"Derek! What the hell?" Stiles exclaims.

"You're drinking alcohol!" I defend myself.

"What?" Stiles huffs. "It's not alcohol!"

"Yeah," I scoff. "Right."

"Der. Drink it."

I roll my eyes, but still have a sip. "It's lemonade."

Stiles nods and takes it back from me. "Yep."

"It's flat lemonade."

"It's cold flat lemonade. The best way to have it!" Stiles places it down on the table. "Want some?"

I shrug as I sit down, pulling Stiles with me, half onto my lap. "I'm thinking we could just share."

Stiles grins. "I like that idea."

"Now," I say, patting his thigh, grabbing the –admittedly tasty – glass of flat lemonade. "Tell me about your terrible day."

"You're the best, Der."

A/N Hopefully none of you thought I was drinking vodka... I'm only seventeen.

If you guys have any requests, I would love some, especially for Scisaac cause I just have no inspiration for the two cuties. So let me know ;)

Sterek and ScisaacOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora