Good Luck 3 - Sterek

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When I step through the front door, I'm pleading in my head that Derek's day went better than mine. Please.

I walk up the stairs and into our main living space, throwing my shoulder bag down and dropping my jacket wherever. My plan is to throw myself onto the soft couch and bury my face into the cushions that smell like me and Derek. 

Instead, I see Derek, eyes shut, arms and legs spread out. I can't tell if he's asleep or not, so I quietly walk over and sit myself between his legs, resting my head on his chest. 

Arms curl around me and I whine, burrowing closer to him. "Hey baby," he murmurs, kissing the top of my head, right between my ears, making them twitch. "Rough day?" 

I huff, looking up at him, trying so desperately to hold back tears. "My worst fears came true." 

"Oh, Stiles." He holds onto me tighter, and I now let my tears flow, hiding back into his chest. "I'm so sorry. You of all people don't deserve that." 

I nod, flicking my tail and wrap it around Derek's leg. "No one deserves to feel this way. " I take a breath and sniffle. "I had to get security to remove him because he refused to listen to me, to respect me, because I'm a hybrid." 

Derek runs his hands lightly up and down my back, relaxing me. "I think since we're finally getting successful and being respected, the bigots are getting angrier. What we're doing is a good thing, and they don't like that they're losing power over us. You're so strong and amazing to be able to handle him." 

"How do you know how I handled it?" 

He chuckles. "Because I've known you for years and I know when you've handled things."

I smile, bringing my head up to look at Derek's face that's showing a small, warm grin. "Enough about my day, tell me about yours? How did your interview go?" 

He sighs, sitting up, taking me with him. "I'm gonna be honest. It was pretty rough." 

I pout as I see his ears drop, and mine quickly follow. "I was really hoping you'd have a good day at least." 

"I wish I could give you good news, I do, but I can't." 

I nod, fiddling with the collar of his shirt. "Will you still tell me about it?" 

"Look, I don't want to upset you anymore, so all I'm going to say is that she made very subtle but blatant comments about hybrids that aren't wolves." 

Humming, I stand up, ignoring his whine as I do. "I'm just ordering food. We can stuff our faces, cuddle maybe a little something else and just sleep." 

"Sounds like a brilliant idea, babe." 

I shoot him a wink as I disappear from his view and into the kitchen. Yeah, I'm gonna turn this day around and make a great night out of a bad day. 


I wake up in the arms of Derek, who's still fast asleep. So, while I wait for him to wake up, I grab my phone, noting that there's a few texts from Scott, Isaac, Erica and Boyd, all telling me to not watch 'the video' and that they're bringing breakfast around in an hour or so. 

Now, obviously, when someone tells me not to do something, I'm gonna do it. That's why I've pulled up YouTube and typing in Derek's name. Something is just telling me that this video is the interview Derek had yesterday. 

It comes up right away and I notice that there's already a million views on it, so I can only imagine what's happening on Derek's, and potentially my Twitter and Instagram. 

Sterek and ScisaacWhere stories live. Discover now