04 || very long club names

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"move it you midget!" a much more taller, muscular boy pushed his way past jihoon to get to his girlfriend at the end of the hallway. jihoon clenched his fist and breathed in before exhaling and letting go of that fist. stupid, jihoon thought, just stupid.

it was because of ignorant people like that that jihoon deemed it completely useless to talk to anyone who wasn't seungcheol. time after time the people around jihoon proved to be just as bad as he thought they were.

and as jihoon made his way down the crowded hallway to his last period class, his blood boiled with anger towards all the people who had ever wronged him in his lifetime (unfortunately there was quite the list of people and both the english teacher and the cashier at gamestop were on it).

jihoon walked to his last period class and sat in his usual seat in the back. seungcheol walked in the classroom shortly after his best friend did, looking at jihoon and smiling before he sat down like he usually did.

jihoon started to scribble in his notebook while seungcheol started talking to people around him. the difference in personalities were clear, but the bond they held despite the differences was just beautiful.

almost all of the class entered the room, the teacher started roll call and got jihoon's name wrong yet again, before class officially started. today was slightly different though, and no it wasn't because soonyoung finally managed to show up on time because his desk was still empty.

the speakers went off, screeching a high pitched sound that made everyone jump in their seats. after the loud sound came a deep, groggy voice that said,"any students interested in the uh.... how do you say this? oh."

many of the students in the class giggled before the announcement continued, the english teacher successfully hushed them up when it continued.

"any students interested in the superawesomesingingdancingrappingandinstrumentplaying club can sign up at room 304." jihoon cringed at the long name, he didn't know why he even listened to the announcement anyway, it's not like he would join the club anyway.

class continued on despite the long announcement that took place because the principal forgot to turn off the pa system, he realized it after his order of chinese food rang through the speakers.

jihoon stared up at the clock on the wall before the same blonde boy barged into the classroom, apologizing before he went to sit in the back with jihoon. it wasn't really a suprise to the teacher or jihoon, both had grown used to soonyoung's barging.

as usual, soonyoung asked jihoon for the notes, who got annoyed by the boy's abrupt interruption. jihoon didn't care for english class anyhow, but still found himself to be disturbed by the way soonyoung failed to show up on time and take notes for himself.

and again as usual, jihoon expressed his annoyance with soonyoung by launching his notebook right at the blonde student.

= = =
heavily edited on 08/13/20

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