Chapter 23: Kiss Me

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Haha, I hate writing Author notes in the start of a chapter but I’m just here to tell you: The title sounds suspicious and exciting, huh?


 ~Chapter 23~


“So how do you play this game again?” she asked for about the millionth time.

Ash groaned, “Weren’t you listening a while ago?”

Clarence shook her head, strapping on her armor. She looked expectantly at Ash for an answer. Finally, Ash sighed and explained again, “Every game, four cabins are chosen to compete against each other. We fight in the arena and the rest of the demigods watch us there. First, it’s two against two then the remaining two fights. You have to do your best since you’re new, okay?”

Clarence nodded, “Isn’t it unfair that other cabins have three members, others have two and four?”

He shrugged, “The number doesn’t matter here, Clarence. It’s how you do well in fighting.”

“You just want to win this, don’t you?”

“Exactly, Jed and I have one seven times already.”

She smirked, “So you’ll be lucky to have me.”

“Remember, we can use any weapon, power…anything.” Ash told her, ignoring the smug comment.

“Who are we up against?”

“The Hades/Pluto cabin, the Zeus/Jupiter cabin and this cabin with four members which are Barrett Dillon, Geena Leavitt, Ethan Sherwood and Pamelia Crewe.”

That was three, against two, against two and against four, Ash thought. But he was sure they could take them down. The Hades/Pluto and Zeus/Jupiter cabins were pretty powerful, being children of the big three. The other cabin had a chance, too because there were four of them.

“Where the hell is Jed?” Clarence asked, looking around. She was already in full battle armor and had her bow on her hand and the quiver of arrows slung on her right shoulder and her hair was pulled up into a ponytail to keep her hair out of her face.

As if on cue, Jed came running up towards them, prepared in his Roman armor.

“Where have you been?” Ash asked bluntly.

Jed nervously scratched the back of his neck, “I was just getting ready,” he turned to his cousin, “do you know everything now?”

Clarence nodded in response, though she looked as suspicious as Ash. The three demigods proceeded to the gate. They heard the loud announcements of the praetors and Chiron and the shouts of the demigod audience, cheering for a particular cabin.

Ash spotted Matt and Ami to the north of them, Emerald and Gerald to their left and Barrett, Geena, Pamelia and Ethan to their right, all of them had their weapons ready and are eagerly waiting for the steel gates to open. Soon, there came a loud bell and all the players were out.

It was the three of them against the Zeus/Jupiter cabin, whilst the other two cabins fought. Ash and Jed charged at Matt and Clarence was left to take care of Ami. Matt had a great advantage because he had the power to fly. The two guys aimed their swords towards him, and three swords collided. Matt flew up, above them and attempted to knock them out while in the air.

From the corner of his eye, Ash caught a glimpse of Clarence and Ami fighting. Clarence was trying to get into a long distance from Ami to shoot her arrows but Ami preferred close combat because she has a knife. They’ll going to have a hard time fighting, Ash thought.

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