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Atem's Pov

I was feeling extremely comfortable in my king size bed dreaming of a certain girl when bright light woke me up, with a groan I covered my face with one of my pillows only for it to be taken away from me. I opened one of my eyes to a girl with long blonde hair and light brown eyes, she looked really pretty but not as pretty as 'her' with a sigh I sat up making my covers slide down of my chest and onto my lap. 

"G-good morning my Pharaoh" The unknown girl greeted with a stutter, to make her comfortable I gave her a smile. "It's a pleasure to meet you... Um what's your name?" I asked kindly scratching the back of my head chuckling nervously. "Oh my apologies my name is Lucy Anpu one of your new workers" Lucy said less nervously she even gave me a smile, Lucy went to one of my closest and grabbed some towels and some clothing's.

 I got up and followed Lucy to the washroom only to feel warm steam hit me in the face, halfway inside we heard splashing and laughter so I looked over at one of the large tubs to see E/n inside the tub naked splashing water at Alice only stopped arms midair letting me see her chest. Alice noticed E/n stopped splashing and was staring at something or someone from behind her so she turned around to me and Lucy standing there.

 She looked back at E/n then me before she realized E/n was completely naked in front of me, so Alice got of the tub an grabs a towel and hands it to E/n which she gladly took.

 Just as she was about to wrapped herself in the towel someone opens the washroom door, I turned around to see my cousin an also my Priest Seto standing there arms cross with the same frown on his face. "What in the name of Ra is this!?" Seto yelled/asked glaring down at us, I was just about to say someone screams and rushes off.

 I turned around to find out it was E/n who screamed and ran with Alice right behind her, I gave Seto a nervous laugh knowing I was in deep trouble

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