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Mana POV

It's been nine months now and I haven't seen E/n a couple of days. Because I had to practice nonstop because I wanted to be more stronger. Just to protect E/n before she gives birth we only have one more month. I want to see her today because I don't know if I would be able to see her give birth yet. I walked up to the door and greeted the guards. I then knocked on the door.

"Come in?" Says E/n, I open the door to see a small head with a big belly. I smiled at her as she smiled right back at me.

"Mana your here I haven't seen you for a long time!!" E/n shouted, she was so happy she stretch her arms out. I walked over to her and gave her a hug.

"Yea I'm sorry that I haven't seen you for a long time I was just practicing to get stronger" I said, I then felt her arms getting even tighter around me.

"Hey ... C-can you let go I c-c-cant breath" I said, she let go of me and sweat dropped. Hehe.

Alice POV

I was with Seto for a couple of weeks now and me and him are really close. Atem saw us kiss and stopped talking to us. Whenever we try to talk to him he will walk to his and e/n's room. And whenever we knock on the door he would say we are sleeping.

"Oh come on atem we were showing that we love each other by kissing... It's not you and E/n don't kiss" I said, on the other side of the door with Seto next to me.

"Yea but we don't kiss in front of y'all and if we do we would kiss each other on the cheek or on the forehead" says Atem, he did have a point they do kiss in private but if they aren't then they would kiss on cheeks and foreheads.

"Please atem we are sorry just let us in so we can see E/n" I said, it was silent for a moment but then the door opened to show atem there. He let us in we smiled at e/n as she smiled back at us.

"Hello, Seto hello Alice I see you to are together." E/n smirked making me and Seto blush. Atem walked over to E/n and lay down next to her.

"So how are you and the babies?" I asked, walking over towers her.

"They are doing fine and I'm ok to" says E/n, she then drank some water from her cup. 

"Well we have to go bye" And with that me and Seto left.

Atem POV

After they left I started to get tired. I lay down next to E/n and place my head on her swollen stomach. She rubbed my head until I fell asleep.

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