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Isis POV

The future

I was in the hallway seeing a lot of people running around with smiles on their faces. I followed this one girl to a chamber to hear screaming and shouting. I see Atem right next to the door with his hands over his face. "The Pharaoh must be expecting a child soon how lovely," I thought to myself. once the screaming was over we heard a baby's cry. The pharaoh had a smile on his face but that soon disappeared when we heard a scream of sadness and shock. The door gotten slammed open see Lucy and Alice's faces sad and crying.

"What's going on what happened to my queen!!" The Pharaoh shouted angrily with tears running down his face. The girls held up three babies one was a boy and two were girls.

"I'm sorry my pharaoh but queen e/n is slowly dying of poison she wants to see you before it's too late" Lucy cried out as Alice hugged her like a sister way. Atem looks at them in shock and ran into the room with me following. We then see e/n pale and breathing hard Atem then ran over to her crying hard. E/n place her hand on his head and said a few things to him Atem kept on shaking his head no. But E/n kept a smile on her face as she died. Everyone was very sad but Atem oh Atem was the most heart Broken.

It's been a year since Queen E/n died and now the triplets are 1 they all had Atem's hair and face but they all had their mother's eyes and kindness. Atem was able to smile now for his kids. But then there was a war with Atem and Bakura.

End of vision

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