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It's been three months now and as people can see my stomach has gotten bigger. The bigger it got the more happy and worry got. I can understand that there worry about me but there over reacting I mean I can't even leave my room and if I do they have to go with me. Do you know tiring it is I tried to leave secretly but they will always know and I think who is telling them. Isis. How do I know it is her its because she can see the past and the future.
I was to deep in my thought I didn't hear the knock

"Come in" I said as I saw Alice became great friends did you guys know she had a crush on mahad crazy right? Alice hugged me and looked at my big round stomach and poked it making me giggle.

"So how are you and the babies?" Alice said smiling at me. I smiled back and rubbed my stomach.

"We are doing fine... Right, my loves" I poked my stomach feel three kicks from different sides making me giggle and hiss. Alice then put some lavender oil on my stomach and started rubbing it around my stomach and she then felt a soft kick coming from the baby. We started laughing at that we then heard a knock at the door.

"Come in" I said as Alice was still rubbing the oil all around my stomach. Mahad and Mana walked in with stuff in their hands making Alice stop what she was doing and looked over at them and smiled.

"Hello mahad hello mana what brings you guys here?" I asked as a wrapped a blanket around my body and smiled at them. They smiled back and walked up to me and Alice. They then hand me the gifts making my smile grow even wider. I open it to see a baby kitten with a millennium marking on its forehead at mew and rubbed its soft head against my hand.

"Awe thank you so much" They bend down and gave me a hug I then felt a tap on my shoulder so I turn around to see Alice holding out a gift blushing. I grabbed it with a smile still on my face.
I opened it to show off a beautiful glowing orb. My eyes widen in shock with Mahad and mana.

"What is this?" I asked and looked at her with happiness written all over my face. She then smiled and opened it to hear music coming out of it. I started singing a song my dad always sings to me whenever it was time for bed.

Come, little children,

I'll take thee away
Into the land of enchantment
Come little children the time's come to play
Here in my garden of shadows

Follow sweet children I'll show thee the way
Through all the pain and the sorrows
Weep not poor children
For life is this way murdering beauty and passions

Hush now dear children it must be this way
To weary of life and deceptions
Feast now my children for soon we'll away
Into the calm and the quiet
Come little children I'll take thee away
Into the land of enchantment
Come little children the time's come to play

Here in my garden of shadows ~

After I finished singing I looked around to see a bunch of people in here and at the door. But one stock out the most. It was atem he was smiling at me making me blush and turn my head away.

"Now I didn't know you could sing so beautifully" Atem said walking up to me and kissing my lips. I kissed back and then felt three kicks. Atem put his hand gently on my stomach and rubbed it. I then started getting sleepy. So I lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

Atem POV

After you fell asleep I got up and shoo people out of the room and walked out with them. I walked all the way to the main chambers to have an important meeting. As I walked in all were bowing down I walked to my seat and waited patiently.

"Ok so we have five dead bodies and they are all females with h/c hair and e/c eyes that were pregnant," Shada said making me glare.

"We should wait until queen e/n gives birth then have war," Seto said glaring at everyone. They then started arguing. I got up and left and walked to me and E/n room to see her still asleep I went there and lay down next to her.

"I will protect you my love" And with that, I went to sleep.

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