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Third person

It has been a very hard year there has been a lot of killing and all the people in Egypt are frighten they don't know what to do even the pharaoh doesn't know what to do he knows who is killing his people and his name is bakura. Bakura is the thief king and once he sets eyes on something he wants he will do anything in his powers to have it even kill innocent people and guess what bakura has his eyes on something wait hold on its not a something its someone the one and only (e/n) the girl who captured the thief king and pharaohs heart and do you remember what I said when once bakura has his eyes on something he wants he will do anything in his power to have it so that means he will kill anything and anyone to have (e/n) in his possession

Thief king bakura 

Its been a year sense I been in the palace and not get to see those beautiful (e/c)(h/c) girl I think her name is (e/n) and I have been having these urges to have her in my arms and having these weird dreams with her in my bed in my arms asleep I've been trying to get rid of those dreams but it always get worse so I sneek in her room as she sleeps and watch her I even been feeling uncomfortable "down" there when ever I think of her I just feel like having her mouth around my hard... urk nvm

So tonight im going to kidnapped her yes I made up my mind

"Hehe tonight my queen you will be mine forever hahahah!!"



"Hey are you OK (e/n)?" Lucy asked as she looked over at me as I look right back at her rubbing my arms feeling goosebumps

"Yea I'm fine I just feel like something is going to happen and its not going to be good" I spoken

"Its OK girl nothing is going to happen" Lucy smiles at me and I smile right back at her as atem walks over to us with a smile on his face as I started to blush

"Hello lucy,hello (e/n)" atem greeted us

"Hi atem" Lucy smiles the starts putting food on the table

"Hello atem how was your day" I asked him as I smile not know atem was blushing and Lucy watching use to see atem blushing to and smirks

"It tiering but I'll manage" atem chuckles as I giggle with him feeling eyes watching us so I turn my head over to the pair of eyes to see Lucy snickering at us 'oh hush it' I mouth to her as she turns around shacking from trying to hold in her laugh

"Are you OK (e/n)?" Atem asked me staring at me with worried eyes

"Yes yes I'm fine so um I have to go places to clean haha...bye!" And I ran away to the hallways then stop running and started to walk and then stop to put my hand on my chest to feel my heart beating hard and fast "pww that was a close one" I spoken to myself starting to walk to other Rooms so I can clean them


"Hey atem I have something to ask you" I walk over at him with a serious face

"What is it Lucy" atem looked down at because I was really short 'why do I have to be short'

"What I wanted to asked is do you like (e/n)" I look at atem dead in the eyes

"W-why would you asked that Lucy?!!" A blush started to form on his face as he started to shack his head and hands frantically

"Just answer the answer its just a yes or no answer" I simply said, as stem looks down and breath out heavy then left up his head then look at me in the face

"Yes I do love (e/n) I just don't got the guts to tell her and even if I did she will rejected me" atem started tearing up as I tried to hold in a laugh but that failed because atem looked at me in anger

"Why are you laughing this is really important and all you can do is laugh this is why I didn't want to tell you" he just looks at me as I stop laughing

"I-im s-sorry its just that (e/n) likes you to and she didn't want to tell you because she thinks you will rejected her" I start laughing as atem just stare at me

"Wait she likes me to" atem started to laugh and cry of happiness

"_Yea she does so please don't tell her I told you when you tell her you like her OK she will have my head if she founds out" I start freaking out thinking at what would happen if (e/n) found out I told atem she likes him

What may happen if (e/n) finds out

"I WILL KILL YOU!!!" (E/n) shout as she starts choking my

"No I'm sorry!!!" I yelled but it was to late I died


I do not want that to happen to me


"I won't tell her I promise" atem said, as I smile

"Thank you so much I don't want to die yet I'm way to young to die" giggles and then hug atem as he hugs me back in a friendly way

"Haha no problem" atem just laugh

I'm glad that is over with

But what they didn't know was that a girl with brown hair heard everything and was fangirling about what she just heard

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