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After all that practice my whole body was aching. My feet my hip my arms everything was hurting. Atem is better like the dance that I am doing because if he doesn't everyone is going to for him.

"Ok once again from the top," Lilly said smiling at me. I just got in my pose and started to dance.

Left hip up right hip down then left hip down and right hip up *does it over and over again* move arms and start walking around still dancing.
Hip up
Hip down
Hip up
Hip down

5 mins later

After all that dancing I was finally done. I walked out of the room and went to the bathing chamber. Once I was there I got undressed and went in the water. I have gotten a washcloth and got some soap and started to clean myself. I then started thinking about Atem making me sink all the way in the water. It was like this for two minutes until I got pulled out of the water. I looked up at the person to see it was Atem. Then I just remember I was naked. I started to blush heavily I guess he finally see the way I was blushing because he place me back down blushing.

"I'm sorry e/n I just walked in here to see you under the water and I thought you had drowned please accept my apologies," Atem said bowing down to making look at him in shock. Why is he bowing to me I'm just I servant who has a major crush on him I mean what hahaha.

"No no no it's ok you didn't know I'm not mad... I would have done the same thing if that happened to you" I blushed looking away from him. I could feel his smirk.

"Oh really now that's good to know" Atem chuckled at me. I just could help but want to sink back into the water. But if I did then he would pull me right back up. And I don't want that to happen again.

"Yes I would I could get in trouble if I didn't and who would rule Egypt if you died?" I said looking back up at him. That just made him smirk and chuckle at me. God that sexy smirk and chuckle of his can make any girl melt. "Now if you excuse me I have to get out of the water soo..." I look down blushing making Atem blush to.

"O-oh Yea bye" he then walked out still with a blush on his face. I swear I saw blood running down his nose I got up and grabbed a towel and wrapped it around myself and ran to my room to get ready for the party.

Time skip to party
Atem POV

It was time for the party and I couldn't find e/n anywhere. So I give up trying to find her and I walked to the main room to see everyone but e/n there. Find people talking drinking and some watching the belly dancers dance.

"Hello my Pharaoh please sit," Alice said leading me to my throne and I sit down. Lucy then walked up to me handing me fruits. I grabbed some grapes and pop some in my mouth.

"Do you guys know where E/n is?" I asked looking at both of them. They looked at each other and smirked.

"Oh we do Pharaoh but right now she is busy with stuff but she will come soon," Lucy said as they both left me confused and walked away somewhere making loose them. "This is a party why is she still working?" I thought out loud when Seto then walked up to me with the same straight face he always have on. I looked at smiling.

"Hello seto what do you need," I asked looking at him as he looked at the dancers.

"I was wondering how are you doing?" He asked looking right back at me. I just wounded what is going on.

"I'm doing fine... I'm just wondering where is E/n" I said looking around for here. But Seto got in my way blocking my sight. I frown up at him but then sigh. I then see Mana walk behind a pillar and grabbed someone's hand I was about to see who it was but Seto went in front of me again. He started to laugh nervously.

"She will come soon but right now in joy yourself" Seto then walked away towards the dancing chambers. Once he was gone in pulled out a millennium bracelet

I really want her to be my queen she is beautiful, kind, sweet, funny, she is just wonderful. I was staring at the bracelet for to long because I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turn around to see Isis smiling at me.

"Is that for Ms. E/n if I may ask" Isis said as her smile got wider. I look at her in shock but then remember that she can see the future and past. I looked back down at the bracelet smiling.

"Yes, this is for E/n... I just love her so much I just want her to be my queen... Hey wait Isis is e/n going to be my queen in the future" I look at her with hope in my eyes.

"You will just have to wait and see my pharaoh" and with that, she walked away still with a smile on her face. I smiled back at the bracelet feeling I will get a chance.

"I hope she will be my queen the people will love her," I said quietly watching as people were talking then I look over to the dancers seeing them smiling in glee. I then eat another grape then I look up to see the dancers are done then the place got a little dark and I see a person I never thought will be up there.

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