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E/n's Pov

Sitting on the bed I was sleeping in last night waiting to be summoned to my fate to locked, Alice was sitting next to me trying so hard to calm 'me' down when it was her that was freaking out even though she wasn't going to get punished. "Calm down Alice if you haven't noticed but I'm perfectly fine" I said placing a hand on her shaken shoulder, she gave me a nervous smile before she started tearing up.

 Shocked by the sudden action I stood up in front of her both my hands on her shoulders."Hey now no need to cry I don't think I'm going to get 'that' punished" I said laughing a little which wasn't such a good idea, Alice quickly got up and glared straight at me.

 "How can you laugh at something this serious!!! You don't know what might happen and what punishment you might get!!!"Alice yelled tears streaming down her face, I gave her a blank stare before pulling her close and rub her back to help calm her down.

" Shh... It's ok" I said whispering in her ear which soothed her down but I could hear some hic-ups here and there but at least she stopped her from crying, just as we pulled apart the door open making me turn around to find a guard just standing there with chain in his had. 

"It's time for you to go" The guard said walking up to me to cuff the chains on me but Alice got in the way arms spread, the guard let out a tch in annoyances he moved his hand up and I knew right away what was going to happen. 

So I quickly moved in front of her abd received the harsh slap, I let out a whimper of pain grabbing a hold of my now tender red cheek. "Are you ok!?" Alice gasped grabbing a hold of my hand and moved away from my cheek to check on it, I looked over at the guard to see his eyes were wide and he looked at his hand to my face then back at his hand until he finally realized what did. 

"I'm so very sorry" The guard said quickly he looked like he really ment it, I gave him a warm smile. "It's ok but please refrain from hitting people" I said then turned around to face Alice. "And Alice please never do that again" I said pointing at her like she was a kid who stole cookies from the jar, she nodded her head but gave me a pout I turned around to face the guard again and stretched out my arms.

 He then place the cuffs on my wrist then the large one around my neck, he then grabbed the end of my chain and started leading me to a huge room with lots of people inside. I looked around my surroundings for only my eyes land on the Pharaoh, I could feel my breast against my chest a blush crawled onto my face after I remembered what happened in the bathing room.

 "Welcome everyone we are here too discussed about the punishment for E/n L/n for her comes... The Pharaoh and his helpers already discussed to what her punishment may be" Seto saod glaring down at my making me glare right back at him. "And her punishment will be to serv the Pharaoh as his personal servant" Seto spoken and then and there I knew my life has changed.

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