Chapter 31

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I walked into my second class half asleep. My movie marathon had gone a little overboard and we ended up staying up all night. Lucky for Tyler, he got to sleep a few hours then leave. But me, I had to drag my butt to school feeling like a freaking zombie.

                I thought that my day couldn’t get any worse, but then I realized Noah was missing as well. That just made the day seem more like a dream.

Instead of our usual balding old guy of a teacher, a young, smiling girl greeted me from the teacher desk. Her smiling face looked no older than twenty and she was absolutely beautiful. She had blonde hair which was twisted up into a bun, making her measured face shine. Her blue eyes seemed to have never held any anger; they were too kind.

I took my seat in the front. Maybe Personal Finance will actually be fun for once. I never really liked this class, but now that we had a new teacher, my opinion changed. She was probably too nice to give us homework! Maybe she’ll even let us talk the whole period…

I let myself daydream about all the possibilities while everyone else filed into their seats. As the woman began talking, I forced myself to pay attention.

“Good morning class. I’m your new teacher, Sarah Flemming, or as you call me Ms. Flemming. Mr. Simon has had some medical issues so I’m here to take his place for the rest of the semester. As you may have noticed, the desks are arranged in groups of two,” She began.

I glanced around and saw how the desks were arranged. I wonder why I didn’t notice earlier..

“We are beginning what I like to call the Real Life unit. You will get to discover how your parents pay the bills and buy your food. First, is my favorite part,” She said.

She moved to take out a straw hat from her drawer. I glanced at it uneasily. Did we have to pick partners? Whenever we do this, I always get someone who makes me do all the work, it isn’t fair!

“You are going to pick your partner!” She announced.

 I tried to keep myself from groaning. She turned to the girl at my right and gestured for her to draw a name.

“Blake Barring,” She read aloud.

Ms. Flemming turned to the next girl, then the next, then the next. I noticed she only let the girls choose and each one got paired up with a guy.

Finally, since she started in the other direction, it was my turn as the very last girl. There were two guys left. I didn’t know either very well but I was hoping to pick the blonde one. I heard he was super smart.

I dipped my hand into the hat and drew out a slip of paper. I was sure my heart stopped.

No, it couldn’t be. My mind was just messing with me.

I swallowed and read it again. The same letters stared back at me. Maybe someone was playing a joke on me.

“Um, Drew Flynn. But I don’t think he is in the class, or that he even goes to this school,” I said in a small voice.

Ms. Flemming slapped a hand to her forehead, as if she remembered something important.

“Yes! I almost forgot! I’m not the only new face you will see today! We were expecting a new student, but I wonder why he isn’t here yet,” She said, glancing at the door.

As if on cue, Drew strutted through the door. As soon as he saw the teacher, he ran his eyes all over her, sizing her up. When he was finished, he shrugged and grinned straight at me.

I hid my shaking hands under the table and struggled to take a deep breath.

“Good morning Drew.  Please take a seat right here, I’m sure your partner will introduce herself,” She said, smiling at me.

I didn’t even try to smile back. It was taking all of my strength not to bolt out of the class room right now.

“Hey Amber,” Drew greeted me as he slid into the seat next to me.

I kept my eyes focused straight ahead of me, completely ignoring him.

“Okay, class. The person you are paired with will be your partner in all of this. Or as they call it in real life, your husband or wife,” She giggled.

After she announced that, she told us to discuss with our partner. As kind as she was, I wanted to punch her. She paired me with Drew and married us. I don’t care that it’s fake, all I think about was Drew’s satisfied smile.

Before I knew it, my hand shot up in the air.

“Ms. Flemming, may I use the restroom?” I asked quickly.

She nodded and I shot up and nearly ran out of the classroom. I walked straight out of school while glancing behind me. I kept imagining Drew grinning as he stalked behind me and the thought was freaking me out. I was terrified as I pulled out my phone and dialed Noah’s number.

Okay, I know how bad this is. I wrote this before and it was like fifty pages and really good but it disappeared. I searched everywhere but couldn’t find it :(


Votes: 45

Next Upload: Wednesday


Thanks so much for reading <3 <3 <3

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