Say it

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Warning: time gap

I stroll up to my apartment, smiling as the lights shine as bright as a star. It is finally my favourite time of year. Walking through the halls I smile, not a fake one but a real one. The smell of pine wafts through the halls of the apartment block. I step over the huddle of pine needles on the floor. This might be a rough area, but they sure know how to get into the spirits.

Twenty-fourth of December. I had just finished my Christmas shopping for everyone.

I go to unlock my apartment door, but take a cautious step back when the door I realise the door is open like the width of a crack. My heart beats at an erratical speed. I gently kick open the door, wincing when it makes a creaking noise. I tip-toe further into the living area and notice a brown haired boy say there, he has his beanie on and I can only see he side of his face because the sofa is facing the wall and Tv. He has his earphones in so he can't hear me. I noiselessly move closer to the unexpected visitor. A colossal smile appears on my face when I recognise the brown-haired boy. He's wearing black jeans, a grey t-shirt and a hoodie over it.

"Jake!" I shout and run over to him. He stands up just in time for me to jump on him, wrap my legs around his waist and hook my arms around his neck. I bury my head in his neck, missing the hugs we used to have. He instantly wraps his arms around me and squeezes me like I'm going to leave again.

He chuckles before whispering in my ear "I missed you boo bear."

"What are you doing hear?" I wonder, the smile still gleaming on my face.

He sets me down carefully before answering "You didn't really think I would not come see you for Christmas?" he wipes a fake tear before continuing, he voice going serious but still a bit of joking hidden in it."I'll always come see on Christmas, even if you were half way around the world I'd still make it . Boo you are my best friend. I love you I always will." He steps back a little, while i force myself not to cry at his words. Why did he step back?

"I also came for the gingerbread house we make every year." he smiles cheekily. My facial expression drops at his words as my mouth falls open. He starts running, I chase after him. We run in circles around the sofa before I think of a brilliant idea. I leap over the sofa and bulldoze him down. He looks at me in surprise, a smirk on my face.

"Now why did you come here again?" I question while straddling him.

"So we can make our signature gingerbread house." He says innocently.

"I can sit here all day you know." I click my tongue at him while glancing around my apartment.

"Me too." he sang.

Five minutes later and I can tell he's becoming restless; the way he wiggles his hands trying to get out my metal grip on his hands.

"Fine. Okay, I also came to see you." he admitted.

I get of off him, cheering as I did. "I'm just too good." I chimed.

"Yeah, yeah." he muttered, running a hand through his chocolate coloured hair.

"Lets get to work shall we." I clap my hands together, before dragging Jake to the kitchen and getting out the ingredients.


Grabbing a handful of flour I threw it at Jake's face making him look as pale as Casper the ghost. He coughed and spat out some flour that had gotten into his mouth, before turning to me with a glare on his face. I watched as his eyes wandered to the carton of eggs next to him. I don't have a chance to run before I felt an egg on my head. The slimy substance slithered down face. I pulled my hand up to my hair to pull the egg shell of my face then letting it drop to the floor. I wiped my mouth and face. I take an egg chucking it at him, then take another handful of flour and blowing it at him, hoping the flour will stick to him.

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