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You are 18 and is a huge fan of why don't we, you live in LA

Y-Mom, I'm going for a walk
Mom-Ok sweetie have fun make sure your phone is on full percent so if you need to call...
Y-Yea, ok, you tell me his everyday but thanks for reminding me, even though I already know
Mom-it's ok Hun, don't worry, I just like making sure
Y-Yea I know, well bye mom
Mom-Bye sweetheart

As you left the house you felt a cool breeze blow against your face. You walk to the park and see the one and only Daniel James Seavey sitting on the bench when you first discovered Why Don't We. You sit next to him pretending like you don't know him then you put on there song Taking you and you start to singing the lyrics. You felt his eyes on you so you grabbed your earbuds out of you pocket and put them on. You saw his hand was right next to yours and your heart started to beat faster. You grabbed his hand without realizing it and he held on to it, your heart started to pound out of your chest and he could hear it.

D-Hey, you a fan?
Y-Yes, but I'm not one of those fans who see you and screech so loudly that it breaks your eardrums
D-Haha yea, your not
Y-How do you know?
D-When you saw me you just played our song and didn't look at me once so ever
D-Anyway the boys are at subway wanna come walk with me to Starbucks?
Y-But aren't the boys at Subway?
Y-And Starbucks is a mile away from Subway
Y-Ok, I'm down
D-Let us go to Starbucks
After a while of walking you get tired and sit down on the sidewalk
D-Come on this is the fifth time you've stopped
Y-I'm not an athletic person, Do not judge me, Peasant
Daniel just chuckles and goes in front of you on a position to get on his back, you do it because your to lazy to walk.
Y-You know carrying me on you back is like me being crowned queen, right?
D-No, but you sure are light
You chuckle a little bit, a little bit of time  past and you guys made it to Subway?
Y-Hey I thought we were going to Starbucks
You say in a whiny tone
D-I know but Starbucks is like another mile away so I just came here cause it was closer
Y-Ugh, fine,
You both go inside as all the band mates look at you and Daniel then they whisper, you head over to their table and sit down next to Daniel. Then Corbyn speaks up
C-Who are you? Not trying to be rude or anything though
You didn't know what to say but then something just blurted out of your mouth
Y-I'm Daniels Girlfriend
You instantly cover your mouth as those words slipped out of your mouth
Boys except Daniel-Ouuuuuuuuu
D-Yea, she's my girlfriend
Daniel is blushing hardcore and so are you
Then Jonah speaks up, you know this is going to be bad
Jo-Then prove it
You say as your voice is trembling but not too trembling
Jo-By, kissing and not just a peck a passionate one
You and Daniel look at each other and then blush hardcore, Daniel leans in and so do you then you felt his soft lips against yours 2 minutes have past and you guys are still kissing, you don't want it to stop but then sadly Jonah says that's ok and now they all believe you
Y-Maybe I should head home
You say as you get your bags
D-No princess don't leave now
The right when Daniel realized what he said he covered your mouth, you and him blushed a lot, then you just go back and sit down next to Daniel. Then Jack and Zach have the same idea
J/Z-Who want to play truth or dare?
Z-Ok, y/n truth or dare?
Y-Dare  obviously
Z-I dare you to kiss Daniel for a full 5 minutes
You say and then turn to Daniel, you press your lips on his startling him but then he kisses back obvi he is your bf duh
5 minutes later
Z-Ok five minutes have past
By this time you are on Daniels lap, you and Daniel stop kissing and you just turn to the table while you are still on Daniels lap then you hear Daniel whisper in your ear
D-Will you be my girlfriend for real?
Y-Duh, who wouldn't
You whisper back, then you peck Daniel on the lips
End of game
End of story everyone lives happily ever after or do they part 2 is coming put

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