Psychopath/ corbyn

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I look at my chained arms and smirked. HAHAHHAHAHAH was all that was going through my mind. It's been 3 years since I've been in this mental hospital. I'm...well crazy. Not even drugs can help me, nothing can. I can be fine one minute but the next I'm putting a knife through someone's chest.

I looked to my side of the same white pattern of cushion attached to the wall. Then I hear knock and my head imminently turns to the door.

Y-come innnn.

I say giggling as....oh AMANDA came in. I smile and laugh fairly loud.

Y-Amandaaaa. aMaNdAaaAaaA

I sing her name as she just smiles and hands me my food.

A-Hey y/n. How are you feeling today?

My head cocks to the side and my eyes roll back as o take a bite of my sand which. Then I look at her and smile

Y-Come here

I whisper luring her in with a secret

Y-To be honest....

Then I look up.


I look at my sand which.

Y-What. Did. You. Do?!

I say backing away from her.

Y-You're trying to drug me again

I say uncontrollably laughing.

A-y/ no no. Not drug

Then my laughing stops as I take the pull from the back of my throat as it lays on my tongue.

Y-I'm not trying to drug youuuu....BULLSHIT

I yell as she jumps at the last part. I stand up and forget the chains on my wrist so I get pulled back down.

Y-Why did you guys chain me up anyway?
Y-Answer me....Amanda

I look at her dead straight in the eye

Y-It's not like I'm gonna murder anyone....Right?

I say smirking while balling my fists up as she notices and gulps.

A-They said. You're..dangerous.

I laugh and look at the ceiling.

Y-Come here Amanda...

I say still looking up as she comes closer.

A-What are you looking at darling?

I look at her and punch her in the face.

Y-You should've used tighter locks

I say pulling the chains off and running out as the alarm system goes off. I smirk as I run out of the hospital, I hopped in someone's car as they looked at me horrified


I yell as they obey and start driving away. I wave bye at a hurt Amanda and some other of my nurses. I smile and yell

?-You're crazy

I look at the young boy. I haven't had any contact with a boy since I went to the mental hospital.


I yell as he keeps ok driving

?-Why did you run?
Y-Anyone would want to get out of that shit hole
?-But why?

I smirk and hop into the front seat as he keeps on driving.

Y-I'm y/n by the way

I say with a preppy smile on my face. He looks terrified as we lost all those people.

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