mistake/Peter Pan

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A/n - I know you're probably getting tired of these but they're fun


Peter-You're a disgrace to the lost boy community
Y-that's the thing Pan..... I'm not a boy

I say and start to fly away as he grabs my ankle making it nearly impossible to get free of his grip.
I look down to see anger in his eyes, my body started heating up and I felt a knot it my stomach. I suddenly felt a surge of lust come over me.

He brings me down as I stare into his eyes, my breath heavy and heart pounding.

P-You broke a rule. You don't get off so easily

He whispers stepping closer to me

Y-you promised no seducing

I say as he smirks.

Peter brought me to Neverland once he found out about me, how hard and terrible my life was.
Not soon after I fell for him, I fell hard. He knew and he always took it to his advantage but one day I saw what he was doing and decided to put an end to it. He promised to stop but from time to time he would gently kiss my on my cheek

P-Well you promised no breaking the rules you cheated.... that's not fair now is it?

My breath hitched and his face inches away from mine whilst his mint breath hit my face I couldn't hold the urge to kiss him anymore. I had to do it

I put my arms around his neck and I quickly pull him in, quickly kissing his lips with passion. To my surprise he kissed back, putting his hands on my back he pulled me closer to him.

But we pulled away.


I try to collect my breath but then Pan kissed me again. To my surprise it felt as if he wanted to kiss me like he actually had feelings.


Its been a month since Pan and I's moment and you'd think we'd be together, but no. After that he pretended as if it never happened and that broke me, I don't know what I was expecting but I know I wasn't ready for it to come.

Pan couldn't even look me in the eyes anymore. It's like I never really existed and to top it off the boys don't even like me and treated me so poorly so I guess today's the day I'll go back to my horrid life in reality. Not really I'm just gonna run away.

I go to my tent and pack all of my weapons and some memories here, my heart pounding and tears rushing to my eyes.

Goodbye neverland.

I exit my tent and start to fly away, it was hard to see in the pitch black but the stars guided  me. Tears filled my eyes making my vision blurry i couldn't hold it in anymore all of my pain just came rushing to me.


I flew into my window and made the last 2 years seem as a dream to everyone, when I went missing and everything. But not like they cared anyways.

I sighed and went into my bed, not shutting my eyes but shutting my body down. Well until I saw Pans shadow in the distance, my eyes widen and I hid, against the wall in the corner under my bed. I saw Pans shadow roam around my room then finally leave, I let out a small breath I didn't know I was holding in but I didn't go out yet. I don't completely trust that he was gone.

I close my eyes praying that he'll never come back again. Until I heard small footsteps coming through my window,

please be Felix please me Felix please be flex.

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