alcoholics /D.S

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Hi my name is y/n and i am an alcoholic.

i say as everyone claps and says "Hello y/n" i look around the circle and there was always this one dude who catches my eye. He has beautiful ocean blue eyes and every time he smiles there is a cute tooth gap. i don't know much of him except he is an alcoholic, well everyone here is an alcoholic.

"Why did you decide to join Alcoholics Anonymous"

A girl who runs this community says

"I'm alone. I lost everything because of alcohol. My family, My friends, My life, My happiness"

I say looking down

"And what helps you cope"

She says as i sigh. i lift up y arm and roll up my sleeves as everyone gasps. I instantly look at my arm. Wrong arm that is the one with all my cuts and scars.

"Shoot wrong arm"

I say and roll down my sleeve almost instantly

"That's okay. This is a safe place to express yourself"

The girl says. I roll up my other sleeves with all of my drawings and writing with a thin sharpie. I mostly only drew hearts, broken hearts, a drunk face or just write X. I also like to write important dates on myself with song lyrics that mean a lot to me.

"Why do you like writing or drawing on your arm instead of paper"

She asks with comfort.

"It's better"

i say and sit down. I was the second last. Everyone went except for blue eyes, he wanted to be skipped. Everyone looks at blue eyes as he stands up

"Hi i am Daniel and i am an alcoholic"

We all clap and say "hello Daniel" The lady asks all the same questions as usual. He answers them quietly except for how he copes. He talked normally for that one.

"I write my songs...on paper"

he says as we all let out a small chuckle.

"I also sing them sometimes"

He says as i catch his eyes. Our eyes keep contact for a while until he decided to sit down not wanting to answer anymore questions.

"Sorry to say but that's all the time we have today. I will see your guys next week"

She says as i stand up and grab my bag. I see Daniel start to walk over in my direction. I put my black and white backpack that says numb inside in the middle on my right shoulder. The left strap just hanging off. I turn around and see Daniel just standing there


i say very awkwardly

D-Hey. um. i just wanted to let you know that your arm is pretty cool. the one with the drawings

Daniel says while we both start to walk out together

Y-Oh, thanks and your song writing is pretty cool.

i compliment him since he complimented me.

D-Do you walk?

He asks as i smile

Y-Uh yeah. I don't have a car of my own

i say starting to walk my way home right as we exited the building

D-I can give you a ride if you don't mind

he says getting his keys from his pocket. I smile at the offer

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