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And again I heard my parents beating my little brother, his screams and cries out for help before they put a gag over him mouth brings me into tears while I pretend to sleep, we r both planning to run away together tonight. Then I heard his door shut, I waited a 5 minutes and left my room very quietly.
I opened my little brother Wills door and I saw him ready to go. Then we both went to my window and went out. We didn't take much just our phones. I ran carrying him because I knew he would never be twice as fast I as I could.
I ran as far as I can to get away from that hell. I looked back to see how far I went and to say I went pretty far but when I looked in front of me I accidentally bump into a guy and I fell but my little brother on top of me and me holding him
Y-Are you ok Will?
Then I got back up still holding onto Will
Y-I'm super sorry sir
?-Now do I look like a sr to you?
C-Corbyn Besson
He says smiling
Y-I'm y/n and it's super nice to meet you Corbyn but I gotta go
I say patting his back and started to run off
C-Where are you going?
Y-That's none of your concern Corbyn
I said calmly and professionally
C-You're not the only person who ran away y/n, you need a place to stay
Y-I'll find one. I have extra cash
C-How much?
Y-again none of your concern Corbyn
C-Whatever you have won't be enough or at least it won't last you forever
Y-I don't care about the future as long as I have right now
C-No matter what you thing, the future matters. So I have an invitation (; for you
Y-What is it
I say breathless
Y-I'm in a big rush here Corbyn I need to go so can you hurry it up...please
C-Stay with me and my band mates until you are stable enough to live on your own with....
Y-Will his name is will
C-And he is....
Y-My baby brother.
C-Will what do u say?
W-Yes! Please y/n
Y-I don't know we barely even know you and....
W-Y/n we have no where to go, please
Y-Whatever will make you happy Will
I say them Corbyn smiled a sweet smile and made let us somewhere
C-This is my car
Then I put Will in the back and buckled him in an this is first time without a car seat so he got excited. Then I got in the front, and took a deep breath in.
C-four other guys live with me. We are the band Why don't we and we all live together
Y-I'm prepared.
I say and checked the time 1:30am i throw my head back
C-Get is me rest I'll tell you when we get there
I put on a soft smile a thanking you for everything smile. Then I got my mini backpack and got Wills bottle
Y-Here babe
W-Thanks y/n
It has water in it because he's really not a milk person and he can drink any beverage out of a bottle or a sippy cup.
Y-I love you Will get some rest
I say looking back as he yawns
W-Live you too y/n nighty night
I smile and look at Corbyn as he stares at the rhode
Y-I owe you. Thank you so much
C-You don't owe me anything.
He says stopping the car because of a red light.
C-Here take my jacket it'll keep you warm
He says taking his coat off well more of a hoodie
Y-Thank you so much, Corbyn
I say putting on his hoodie
C-No problem, now it's time for two cuties to get some sleep, huh?
Then I chuckle as he starts driving again and buckle my seatbelt. I stared at him and have him a kiss on the cheek
Y-Goodnight Corbyn
I say as I shut my eyes and I could sense him smiling.
C-Goodnight, y/n
C-Y/n wake up
Corbyn whisper yells shaking while shaking me awake
Y-I'm up I'm up
I say waking up as he smiled
C-We are here
Y-Thank you so much!
I say giving him a hug. I got my mini backpack and put my phone in it as well as Wills bottle. I got out of the car and went to the back to get Will.
Corbyn then led us into his house by then it was 3:43am
We walked in through the door to see four boys watching TV in the living room.
Then Will dug his head in my chest
Y-It's ok Will they're okay. They won't hurt you I promise they wont hurt you in any way
I whisper to him loud enough for everyone to hear. Then I put him down and he goes straight to Corbyns leg and hugs it
C-Guys this is y/n and she's going to be living with us until she gets back in her feet and this is her little brother Will
Jo-Sup I'm Jonah
Z-I'm Zachary but people call me Zach
J-I'm Jack
D-And I'm Daniel
Y-Nice to meet you guys. Um I can sleep on the couch but it less provide Will somewhere comfy to sleep. He'd been through a lot
C-And you haven't?!
Y-I can manage myself I'm 18 he's five. He only trusts Corbyn right now so please be carful around him.
I say and sit on the couch with Will on my lap.
W-But I want to sleep bear u sissy
Y-Ok we will see what u can do but if u can't you will sleep next to Corbyn. Ok?
D-I will get u a pillow and a blanket
Jo-Want some water
Y-I'm good thanks.
I wake up on the couch with Corbyn sitting on another chair with Will in his lap and Corbyn singing to him
C-I got real big plans baby for you and me do love me for who I am and for who I'm gonna be
Y-Ain't got everything u want but got everything you need so take a chance take a chance on me
I chime in then Corbyn looks at me. I sit up and sing all the to come sit next to me and Corbyn carries Will rocking him back and forth. I lay my head on Corbyns shoulder and we both sing to Will
And a happy ever after

Word count-1161

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