Cheater pt.3

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I wake up in Daniels arms. His eyes are shut and he has a smile on his face which brought a smile to mine.
Y-Daniel wake up
I say quietly in his ear and shook him a bit.
D-Five more minutes
He says in his raspy morning voice.
I say as he smile and digs head into my neck pulling me closer and groans
Y-Daniel get up you dork
The he lifted his head up. We stare at each other for a while, glancing at each other's lips Occasionally. Then he breaks it, he clears his throat and shakes his head 'no' while smiling
Y-Sorry I'm an awkward person
D-No it's not that it's just your eyes are really pretty...
That gave me a flash back of when Zach and I first met
I was walking down a street then I bump into someone
Y-I'm so so sorry
I look up to see an amazingly cute boy
Z-No no my fault sorry
I say and hold out my hand
He says gladly taking it
Z-You have really pretty eyes
I blush
End of flash back
He got up and I got up as well. Then the boys come down rubbing their eyes
Y-Shut up
I say laughing and throwing a pillow at Corbyn as it hits him and he fell not down the stairs but he fell as I smile.
Everyone agreed
Jo-Lets get ready
Everyone leaves to get ready as I sit on the couch then Daniel comes back down
D-You don't have a room
He says in a 'I'm so dumb'
D-Come on, you can come in mine
I smile as I follow him up the stairs. I close the door behind me.
D-I'm going to change
I nod my head 'yes' and go to the bathroom. I brush my hair and wash my face. I exited to see if there's an extra toothbrush for me. I walk out and see a shirtless Daniel taking a photo as I smile and chuckle to myself.
I pretended to couch as Daniel turned around in shock.
D-U-Uh w-What do you need?
He stutters
Then he came closer into the bathroom he went into a closet and dug one out while I was in between him and the closet facing his chest.
He looks down as I chuckle nervously and blush
I say and take it out of his hand and quickly shoo him out. I quickly get done with everything and exit out of the bathroom
D-You can borrow some of my clothes
Daniel was on his bed staring off to space, I go through his closet and take out a grey shirt with a pocket on the right top. I take off my shirt forgetting Daniel was there
I say quickly pulling my shirt on
Daniel blushes and quickly covers his area. I sigh and just take off my shirt.
I say and put on his shirt. I tie it up. I stick with my leggings because theirs no pants that would fit me.
Y-You ok?
I say as Daniel just stares at me
Y-It's rude to stare
He says looking away
Y-Hey, why aren't you looking at me do I not look hot?
I say jokingly just to mess with him.
I see Daniel blush a bit with his hand still covering his area
Y-I'm just messing around, Daniel
I laugh as he looks at me and chuckles as well.
Y-Lets go
He nods his head 'yes'
He gets up and I follow him downstairs
We arrive at chipotle and I see Zach sitting alone
C-We should-
Then I cut him off
Y-No it's fine
I sigh and walk over to claim a table
D-Want me to order for you?
Y-Yes please
D-What do you want
Y-Surprise me but make it spicy
We all left but then Zach noticed me
C-Leave her alone Zach
D-Don't even think about coming closer
Jo-I will kill you
J-I will stand and watch
Zach stays quite as we all leave. Memories start flushing back as we got into the car
D-You ok?
I nod my head 'yes'
D-No, no your not ok
I look up at Daniel with red eyes
D-It's ok not to be ok, y/n, he cheated on you, you're not ok and that's perfectly fine. You're perfect don't think otherwise
He says wiping my tears as more come. He pulls me in for a hug as I hug back. We are in the back of the car as Jonah drives. I lay my head on his shoulder as tears stream down my face
D-Your only human y/n....only human

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