Angry / Jack

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Jack always told me stories saying that his family is always angry and it's just something that runs in their veins. I met Jack at a park. He was very sweet and kind but when we started dating he was screaming and yelling. Me crying. Not yelling. He would take long walks just to clear his mind and come home late at night but he's not drunk. Today was one of our fights
I just nod my head showing no expression
Y-I know
Y-Because you kissed back
I say with tears in my eyes but still very calm. He goes silent.
Y-That's basically cheating Jack
J-I know
He says lowering his face. Tears escaped my eyes.
J-Why don't you just dump me? Why do you stay?
Y-....Because I love you
He looks at me in the eyes and I look at him in the eyes
J-Why do you love me?
Y-Because, you have your flaws, yes they do stand out but I promise under all of the anger, there is an amazing smart, handsome, nice, funny, amazing, singer, talented young boy
He smiled and and kissed my lips
J-I love you to
Y-You still cheated on me though
J-Please don't bring this up, not now y/n
Y-Then when? Because I know you're not gonna talk about it later.
Y-Why did you kiss back?
J-I was drunk y/n
Y-Jack you're never drunk. You don't drink. You lost half of your friends because you don't drink just in case you would cheat on me. Or at least that's what you said
J-Ok ok ok, I only kissed back because I thought it was you. I promise y/n I promise.
Then I gave him the death glare
J-I promise
Y-Oh alright
I say and smile while kissing his cheek.
J-I'm just happy you never dumped me
Y-I am too
We both laugh. I fall asleep in his arms.
I wake up in the bed alone realizing it was all just a stupid dream. I get up and walk to the living room. I see Jack on the couch which is basically his new bed. I sigh and put a small blanket over him and kiss his cheek and as I did so his eyes flutter open. I didn't notice and walked away
Jack screams knowing I'm in the kitchen
I laugh as I felt his hands grip around my waist. I was stirring some soup I was making for us. We rock peacefully as I stir adding ingredients here and there
J-What are you making?
J-What kind?
Y-Your favorite
J-Chicken noodle. You the best
Then he kisses my cheek and leaves. I smile wishing he could act like this all the time. I serve him 
J-Thanks love
Y-Welcome babe
I kiss his head and sit down going to eat mine. Sitting eating in peaceful silence
J-I have a question
J-How are you always so calm.
J-Whenever I yell at you which you don't deserve. Your always calm, how?
Y-Because I know you don't mean what you say, hopefully and I don't know I gives its just the way I'm built
Yeah nope right when he leaves the building I break down crying and screaming. Throwing stuff breaking crap. I destroy a lot of thing especially myself.
J-Your amazing
Y-I know
We both laugh
J-Got to go to work bye babe
He puts his dish in the sink and kisses my cheek. He grab his keys and put his coat on before heading out.
Jack comes home and I know that because he slams the door shut and he's mad....Jack storms into the room mad
Y-Hi baby how was work?
Y-Are you okay babe?
He says quietly surprisingly
Y-What happened babe?
I say going closer as be backs away
Y-What's wrong?
J-I'm so angry
He says clenching his fist as I put my hand on it
Y-Calm down
His face tenses up
J-I can't
I can tell he wanted to scream his lungs out. He opened his mouth about to say something but before I quickly pull him into a kiss. His face softens as he kisses back and I pull away
Y-Calm down
I whisper then go back to my bed and lay down as he follows after me
J-I need to talk to you
I get up and face him slowly
J-I think we need to break up
Y-What why? What did I do wrong
J-No it's not you it me. I feel like I don't deserve you.
Y-Jack don't do this
J-I'm so sorry.
Y-Jack please
I pleaded as he got up. I chased after him then BOOM I wake up. It was all just a nightmare. I look to my right and see Jack laying there peacefully. So did I kiss Jack or was that in my dream. I don't care. I snuggled up to him and enjoyed his company. Hoping this could last forever

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