Lost limelight

754 21 8

I ran, I couldn't stop running. I was exhausted and my legs felt like giving out, but I had to push through it. I couldn't let him get to me..... I look back and he was right there. Fuck. I tried to run faster but it was no use then suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder


FUCK. I stopped running so I can catch my breath.

Y-Fuck you Corbyn.

I say as they all laugh.


I pack up my stuff about to leave the Boys house. They all started whining and Zach started clinging onto my leg

Y-Man up you babies. There will always be tomorrow, but for today.... I have to get back to my date

They all looked up at me shocked and confused on why I never mentioned it before

Y-Yes. Why so surprised?
C-You never mentioned it before
D-Who is it?!?!!

They all leaned in eager for me to tell them who I'm currently dating

Y- My couch. Now Zach get off of my leg before I gouge your eyes out with my hands

Zach then quickly got off my leg and ran over to Jonah. I chuckle and walk out of their house. With my headphones in I was a pout a block away from mine, listening to sin city 😌😌 just enjoy it.

Suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder but right as I turn around I felt a sharp pain on my face. I tasted blood, I looked up and say 3 girls, one was holding a metal baseball bat. Fuck.

Y-What do you want?

I ask while getting back up. I felt my fist ball up ready to swing.

?-Listen, Daniel is mine
2?-Corbyn is mine
3?-and Zach is mine
Y- your point?
?-stay away or you will meet your face with my bat.
Y-Bruv. They are basically my brothers, want me to put in a hood word for you? Fine. But if you take another step closer to me, that bat of yours will go up ur ass.

I say wiping the blood off my chin. The blonde scoffs and the two brunettes behind her chuckle.

Blonde- you have no idea what I'm capable of
Y-and you don't know what I'm capable of either.

Suddenly there was a sting in my leg, I yell in pain and fall to the ground. I look at my leg and realize one of brunettes snuck up behind me and stabbed me. She took out the knife which hurt even more, leading me to bleed out. I couldn't get up, it just hurt.

I close my eyes as I felt them starting to kick me and hit me with the bat. Well it was 3 to 1 and they have weapons. Unfair fight.

Then it all stopped. Outta nowhere, it stopped. I couldn't move, I had three stab wounds. Leg, arm, and stomach, I was bleeding out with bruises everywhere. Coughing up blood, I hear cars go by. I'm getting tired, I can't stay awake. But I know if I sleep I most likely won't wake up....
It's okay just a little nap. I'll wake up.


I open my eyes to see Jonah running with me in his arms. Everything was blurry, all I could hear is a ring. I've gotten jumped before... but I don't think that I'll make this one.

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