Chapter 4

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"Take cafe of yourself okay." Lucy smiled as she hugged a woman with long wavy blue hair.

"I will. Stop by the house to visit anytime." The blue haired woman smiled.

"Alright." She grinned happily "Thanks again Gray." Lucy smiled at him.

"No problem." He smiled as he wrapped his arm around the woman with long blue hair.

"You ready Juvia?" He asked the young woman.

"Yes Gray-sama."

Lucy smiled at the couple before waving them off.

She began walking through the dimly lit city streets with her arms wrapped around herself. Her cheeks were lightly flushed due to the alcohol she had drunk earlier. Luckily it was keeping her body warm and the chilly breeze wasn't effecting her too badly.

Until it began to sprinkle.

She shivered underneath her little black dress that was exposed to the falling rain. Her body was drenched from her hair was down to her feet. She carefully stepped in her stilettos on the wet sidewalk. The sound of them clacking in the water only reminded her that she could slip at any second. She even started debating on just going barefoot the rest of the way. It sure would beat breaking her ankle on the shiny wet concrete.

The streets were empty. The only lights were from the street lamps above and the ocassional car that would speed by.

She started to regret not bringing her jacket but then again its not like she was expecting the beautiful sunny day to end with pouring rain.

She heard faint footsteps behind her and faint chatter. She turned her head slightly and saw a group dark figure across the street.

'And now I'm wishing I brought my pepper spray.' she cursed her self mentally and began walking faster. She heard the footsteps behind her get closer and she started walking even faster. She could feel the coldness beginning to take an impact on her body. The cold rush of water running down her bare soaked skin was almost burning.

Then she felt a cold hand latch onto her wrist and another cover her mouth.

"Shh. Its oka. We just wanna have a little fun." A low voice whispered in her ear and she could see the other shadowy figures surround her.

Lucy began to thrash around and elbowed the man as hard as she could in the side causing his grip on her to loosen.

"Damn bitch!" he grunted as he released her and she started running as fast as she could. The footsteps approached fast as they splat loudly in the rain. Then another pair of hands latched onto her arm and yanked her backwards.

"Not so fast beautiful." A different voice spoke this time.

"Listen I don't want any trouble. Just let me go and I won't report you to the authorities" Her voice was clear but not as intimidating as she was hoping. She wished she had the energy to break his wrist and continue to run but every part of her body felt like it was going numb with every passing second. The rain was still pouring down heavily and Lucy could feel her body beginning to shut down.

"You can go...after we have some fun." They grinned and shoved her back into an alley way. The scent of alcohol was beginning to linger around her. It was disgusting.

"Please..don't.." she whispered as she tried to control her tears. But they just laughed at her and grabbed her by her dress and forced her back into the alley. She began to feel sick and terrified all at the same time. She felt her hands being held above her head and no matter how hard she thrashed around it was no use.

"Who wants to go first?" Their deep voices chuckled.

"NO! STOP!" she cried helplessly.


"Low life bastards."

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