Chapter 28

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The chocolate eyed blonde sat patiently on the bus stops bench. Although her face was light and delicate, her current thoughts were heavy.

Was Natsu really related to the most dangerous mob boss in the world?! How could she have not known?! It was just crazy to her. She knew after asking Levy for the information she wanted it would be a hard thing to process.

"But this is just insane." Her thoughts slipped out.

Not to mention she had a literal terrorist group after her! This was why she had tried to change her name. Keep her past a secret, but her dad just had to let her inherit the company she had never even wanted.

But that story was a whole other can of worms that she couldn't get into right now.

While the blonde was stuck in her thoughts, she failed to notice the mysterious an lone figure that sat beside her. The unknown lustful and dangerous look that dwelled in his eyes.

She didn't notice until his hand began to wander.

Gripping the unwanted and unknown hand away from her thigh, she tossed it away from her.

"What the hell are you doing!?" She shouted angrily.

The man beside her grinned. He was older than her. Clearly more mature by the roughness of his features and wrinkles that decorated his face.

"I've never seen a beauty like you around before." He smiled sickly.

Yea, and your never gonna see me again.

Lucy thought with disgust. The appalled look on her face said everything else.

Damn old perverts.

Clearly ignoring her obvious disinterest, the man beside her leaned closer again, trying to feel her up with his fat and grubby hands. His hands began to grip her inner thigh and chest. Fear immediately turned as chocolate eyes darkened with anger but the sound of tires screeching and a slamming car door caught her attention.


She gulped when she saw fluffy pink hair and angry onyx eyes approach her. Without any hesitation he grabbed the pervy man by the collar of his shirt. Poor thing must have felt terrified. Natsu's gaze shot towards Lucy.

"Get in the car. Now." He growled dangerously.

Without a seconds hesitation she lifted herself from her seat and approached the crimson red vehicle.

"As for you," he glared at the stubby man before him, "Keep your fucking hands to yourself."

The man nodded frantically before Natsu threw him hard onto the concrete ground. Huffing angrily as he walked away and got into his own car. The V8 engine roared to life before disappearing onto the forest roads.




"What the fuck were you up to?" The pink asked harshly. The tone in his voice made his anger all to evident.

And Lucy was not in the mood to fight with him.

"Calm down Natsu." The blonde stated, not turning her gaze to face the pink head.

"You snuck out and went into town. Without leaving me any fucking way to find you!" Natsu's eyebrows stitched together tightly.

If it wasn't already obvious, he was pissed. Here he was, trying to keep her safe and here she is sneaking out like some ungrateful teenager. He didn't even want to think about how scared he had been when he went into the bedroom and Lucy wasn't anywhere to be found. Hell, if he hadn't been able to tap into her phones location to find her, he didn't want to think about the alternate possibilities.

His gaze flickered towards the blonde who still hadn't said anything.

"What the hell were you doing in town?" He asked harshly. His onyx eyes turned back to the empty road.

She sighed, "None of your damn business."

"This isn't a fucking game Lucy!" He shouted feeling the rage boiling inside of him.

He couldn't tell, but the blonde was ready to snap too.

"It is to you." Her head whipped around to face him.

"What are you-"

"You just contact people when their useful for you right? Like pawns in a game of chess. Cause that's all anyone is to you right? PAWNS THAT YOU CAN USE TO YOUR ADVANTAGE?!" Lucy's eyes had began to fill with tears and seconds after they were streaming down her face.

"What the fuck are you talking about?!"

In an instant Lucy reached into her book bag, snatched out a thin tan file and threw it on Natsu's lap. He looked down at it in confusion, slowly he pulled off to the side of the road before opening it.


"Where did you get this?" He asked lowly.

The blonde stayed silent.

"Lucy" His voice came out harsher.

She didn't make eye contact with him, "You were here for a year." Her voice came out as a whisper.

There it was. She had found out his secret. Thanks to this fucking file she got her hands on, their relationship had been strained further. Inside that tan folder was Natsu's entire career record. From his graduation credentials to his most recent assignment.

The one he had been assigned to a year ago. When he had moved into Magnolia.

"I didn't want to hurt you."

She turned to stare at him. Her chocolate eyes filled with sadness, the tears that stained her cheeks.

"You lied to me." She said softly.

Natsu held the folder in his hand, "Where did you get this?"

"You used me to get a higher position. Not because you wanted to protect me." Lucy stated coldly.

"Where did you get this?" The pink head repeated in a harsher tone.

Neither of them could take much more of this. With each sentence and question their tempers grew thinner. But each of them were so stubborn they wouldn't quit until the other gave in.

Lucy began to shout, "You've been lying to everyone!"

Before Natsu could respond the sound of a gunshot echoed around them. Looking around to see that it was still them, his car, and the trees a fast and hot breeze passed by both his face and Lucy's.

They froze in terror as the obvious and clean showing of a bullet hole was now in the middle of the window.

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