Chapter 8

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Sleepy onyx orbs gazed into chocolate ones.

Lucy was absolutely speechless as he sat up showing off his tan and perfectly defined upper body. She felt heat rise to her face as she heard his low husky voice ring through her ears

"Long time no see Luce." he smirked at her noticed her eyes wandering all over his body.

She just stared back at him before slightly shaking her head. In an obvious attempt to clear her mind from the distractions of his body.

"Why did you bring me here?" She asked.

"Well you didn't exactly look like you were in the best condition to continue walking," he shifted towards her "So I carried you here."

"Well thank you, sorry if I troubled you." She leaned her body backwards to avoid getting any closer to him.

"It wasn't a problem." Natsu grinned as he continued to lean in closer to her.

Lucy couldn't deny the fact that she was starting to feel hot. In fact it was evident. Something about the way he was speaking to her. Was it the tone in his voice? The way he didn't break eye contact? Maybe it was a combination of things. But as these thoughts were passing through her mind she didn't realize she was continuing to lean backwards until she hit the hard wooden floor with a thud.

Natsu's fluffy pink hair bounced with him as he looked over the edge of the bed. He smirked softly at her embarrassed composure.

The young woman stood up shakily, "Well I should probably get going..." her sentence faded.

But Natsu's smirk grew wider as he saw Lucy's face turn a bright red as she looked down at his baggy shirt and boxers.

"Nothing happened." He spoke up.

"Besides," he started again as he stood up and walked in front of her. He stared seductively into her chocolate brown eyes and smirked as he leaned down into her ear and whispered

"I'd rather have you be completely conscious when screaming my name."

"Your still a perv I see." She glared while shoving him away from her gently.

He laughed.

"And I still turn you on I see."

She scoffed, "In your dreams Dragneel. All that's in the past."

For some reason his face turned sad.

"Right because your too good for a poor guy like me." He stated sourly.

Lucy whipped her head around so fast,
"We both know it had nothing to do with status."

"Then what the hell did it have to do with Lucy?" Natsu raised his voice. His eyes were full of anger and hurt.

Lucy's chocolate glare softened. As if she had lost all resolve to speak what say what she was going to.

"Can I have my clothes please?"

Natsu scoffed before leaving the room and Lucy stood with her arms wrapped around herself. Her chocolate eyes slowly filling with tears.

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