Chapter 32

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As the pink head and blonde slept peacefully in the small motel room a yellowish glow snuck in through the blinds. The soft glow began to streak across the room lighting it up softly. Natsu's nose twitched when a ray of sunshine perfectly reflected itself across his eyes. He opened his onyx orbs slowly as he stretched out across the bed then there was a soft knock at the door and a muffled voice saying,

"House keeping."

The pink head sat up unconsciously and tapped the space on the bed beside him before seeing Lucy's slouched sleeping form on the desk. There was another knock on the door and he stood up from the bed and walked to answer it.

He looked down at the small woman in collared uniform and said, "No thanks." and closed the door.

Not even a few seconds after he felt his stomach growl and decided it was time to head out for some breakfast. As he walked over to wake Lucy he noticed all the papers spread underneath her arms. It was those damn files she had gotten ahold of.

Fuck. After that whole entire gun chase he had damn near forget all about them. About what she had read and now knew, this was bad. It meant that now she was suspicious of him too.

Natsu could feel his frustration and anger building up. As he tried to get his wreck of emotions under control,  Lucy had started to wake up.

Her chocolate eyes fluttering open as she lifted herself off the desk. She stretched out her stiff muscles completely unaware of the deadly glare Natsu was giving her.

When she stood up her eyes immediately met with his. Only she didn't know why he was giving her such a stone cold glare.

"What's with that look?" She yawned softly.

"Where did you get those?" Natsu said in a low tone, pointing at the papers that covered the desk.

Lucy didn't say anything.

"Oi," his voice got louder "I asked you where you got those documents."

She still stayed quiet.

Crap. There was no way in hell she was going to tell Natsu. Deep down she knew it was unfair to judge him on what she had read rather then what he had told her, but at this point she didn't care. She couldn't trust him. He had done nothing but lie to her be deceitful since they met again and she was done with it.


She ignored his yells. There was no point in explaining anything to him.

He never cares what I have to say.

The pink head practically shot up from the bed and angrily grabbed Lucy's small hand, yanking her into his chest. She could feel his angry aura before she even met his eyes.

He was pissed, but so was she.

"I asked you a question." He said dangerously low.

Lucy was unfazed. Her face showed no expression of anger or fear, just calm.

"I heard you." She said.

Natsu huffed, "Then answer me." He held her small hand tighter.

"Let go of me Natsu."

Her big chocolate orbs turned stone hard,


He stared at her for a minute as if challenging her, but soon enough released her. Realizing his anger had gotten the better of him he took a step back and decided to adjust his tone.


Lucy watched him with without expression,

"It's fine."

The room went quiet again and the small blonde gently gathered her scattered papers back in her hands. Natsu just watched as she put them back in the envelop and into her bag.

"Do you not trust me?"

His sudden question caused Lucy's eyes to go wide, but Natsu couldn't see. All he heard was her sigh before saying,


She turned to face him.

"I don't."

Ouch. He didn't know what hurt more. The way she said it or the fact that she actually did. Not that he wasn't expecting that answer.


His onyx orbs watched her, the sadness in them was evident. Especially to her.

Lucy watched as Natsu's angry behavior had immediately fallen and shifted to sad and insecure. She didn't know what to make of it really.

Why now?

She thought frantically.

Why now did he decide to show her some real emotions? After being solely focused on doing his job.

Why now after she had decided that she couldn't trust him anymore? When she had found that he had been keeping secrets from her and everyone else.

Why now did he have to break her heart? Before she even had a chance to tell him the truth about everything.

Why did he have to come back now? Once she had decided to leave him in her past and try to move on.

Why now?!

"It doesn't matter." She said turning her back to him again.

She was thinking that Natsu would realize this conversation was pointless and give up. But that wasn't Natsu, at least when it came to her.

"Of course it matters." His voice came out gently from behind her.

She couldn't believe it, the look in his eyes when she turned around, it sent waves of soft electricity through her. Those onyx orbs gazed upon hers so softly. It brought back a familiar feeling, a warm one.

"Everything that you do matters."

It's All About Usजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें