Chapter 5

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"Low life bastards."

A man with messy pink locks stood underneath a street lamp. He heard  a woman scream as a group of junkies shoved her into an alley way. He crossed the dimly lit rain covered street towards them. Hearing their sick laughs it caused him to feel angrier. His eyes narrowed as he approached the group silently.

I'm an instant he grabbed one by the  throat and slammed him into the opposite wall.

"What the fu-" another one stared wide eyed at the figure.

But his gaze was caught short when his face collided with the pink heads fist, hard. The other three men began to attack him all at once but t was all in vain. One after another they were hit by his fists causing them to knock out cold on the concrete.

The man turned back to the shivering blonde. Her golden locks were drenched and sticking to her face and neck. The elegant black dress she was wearing was clung tightly to her body due to the moisture and her creamy skin had water running down it at every inch. He stared into her chocolate eyes an she stared back into his onyx ones. He could clearly see her shivering but before he could speak she did.

"T-thank you..." she smiled weakly at him. She had absolutely no clue who this man was but half of her consciousness gone at the moment.

"I'm Natsu. Are you alright?" He gazed upon her carefully.


They stood there in silence for a moment. Somewhere in the back of Lucy's mind that name sounded so familiar. But before she could fully process it she began to feel dizzy and weak again. She tried to shake off the feeling but she knew the cold was getting to her.

"Hey are you oka?" the pink head asked as he noticed her wobbling appearance.

"Y-yea I j-just..c-cold" she muttered as she tried to step forward but ended up falling into the mans warm chest.

"Damn, your freezing!" he shouted as he held the blondes small shivering frame in his arms.

She enjoyed the feeling of heat that was surrounding her, he was so warm, like a heater. But her mind came back clearly when she realized she was in a strangers arms. She pushed back gently out of his hold.

"Sorry I...I lost my balance for a sec." she laughed weakly before she started to walk again.

"Hey, are you sure you can walk on your own?" he asked as he gently steadied her with his hands.

Lucy felt the cold rain start to pour down on her body again as she walked away from the sheltered alley and she felt everything begin to shut down. She had to stop moving and her knees felt weak. She felt pounding against her skull and it felt as though the cold was like knives against her skin.

"I think...I think I can manage." she smiled weakly as she continued to walk defying what her body said. She could see flashes of her vision start to get blurry and the darkness starting to form at the corners of her vision. She tried to shake it off but before she could she felt a pair of warm arms wrap around her and lift her up bridal style.

The sudden impact into the warmth caused her to panic but before she could analyze anything a flash of pink crossed her vison before she passed out.

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