Chapter 24

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Heyyy peeps! I'm back from my vaca! Sorry for not consistently updating. Unfortunately as soon as I got back from my original vacation I had to go out of town again for a club field trip! Then the following days to come I had a swim meet. So yea I have been very busy. But I really am sorry for not updating. Maybe with this chapter you can forgive me? Enjoy!

They were about three hours out of Magnolia. It was nearly two in the morning. Lucy hadn't said a word since the drive had started and neither had Natsu.

Deep down he knew it would be this way. A car ride surrounded with silence. Honestly, he wasn't happy about having to leave town either but since it was for Lucy's safety it didn't matter what he wanted. She was more important to him than she thought. 

'Speaking of which' Natsu got a small smirk on his face at that thought. He turned to the blonde who was still not paying him any attention. Her eyes were staring out the window as the night scene flashed by.

"Are you going to say anything or are you going to stay quiet for the entire drive?" He asked as his eyes turned back to the empty road before them.

He heard the blonde take in a deep breath, "What do you want me to say Natsu?"

The irritation in her voice was clear but the pink head didn't get a chance to respond.

"We just ran away from my home after learning that I'm being targeted by some crazy stalker! And Sting was in on it?! That's a lot to take in. I mean I'm still trying to understand..." Her voice trailed off  at the end of her rant.

Natsu raised an eyebrow at the golden haired woman, "Understand what?"


Onyx orbs met chocolate brown ones for a second. Lucy's gaze retreated back down to her hands but Natsus' eyes stayed wide as he looked at her suddenly shy composure.

"W-what do you mean me?" He stuttered nervously.

Lucy looked back up at him, "Why didn't you ever bring it up?"

Natsu looked at her skeptically.

"That night in the alley."

He felt himself getting nervous. She couldn't know how he really found her there.

'Hey Lucy I was stalking you the whole night to see where you lived so I didn't have to actually make contact with you again because I'm to insecure about our breakup.'

Just imagining saying it sounded more pathetic than he wanted it to. The point was that he couldn't tell her the truth. Besides what right did he have to tell her anything? The less she knew the better. That's what he had settled on telling himself.

"You didn't even remember who I was that night Lucy. I figured you wouldn't remember anything anyway." The tone in Natsu voice was cold.

Lucy scoffed at the pink heads response, "How the hell was I supposed to know it was you!? For all I knew you were still in Hargeon!" She yelled angrily.

Natsu kept his gaze off of her. He was starting to regret the whole wanting to talk idea. "Maybe if you bothered to keep in contact you'd know my job transferred me to Magnolia 2 years ago."

"It's a little weird to be texting your ex boyfriend when he has a girlfriend." Lucy stated.

Natsu got a bit of an appalled smirk across his face. His eyebrow was raised as his onyx eyes stared widely at her. The corner of his mouth was twitching slightly. He was a bit angry.

"Really?" He asked in an irritated tone.

His hands gripped onto the steering wheel tighter, "It's a little weird to get engaged when you have a boyfriend!" He roared.

"It wasn't my decision Natsu! When are you going to accept that?"

"When you decide to own up to your shit and fucking apologize!"

Lucy's eyes widened a little with fear. Natsu only cursed like that when he was pissed but her stubbornness immediately took over as she spat back.

"What the hell do I have to apologize for Natsu? It wasn't my choice!"


Lucy went dead silent. Natsu had tears filling in his eyes as a tear streamed down his cheek. He wasn't just angry. He was hurt.

Natsus' grip was still tight on the steering wheel. He was mentally cursing himself for crying but at the same time he didn't care. All the words he had wanted to say, everything he wanted to acknowledge was coming out for Lucy to hear.

"You had a decision to make Lucy. Me or Sting. And you chose him. You didn't even bother to stand up for yourself, for us! You was like I never even mattered to you."

The golden haired woman stayed silent for a moment. Natsus' story was half true, that much she knew. She finally understood how she effected him. What she had done to hurt him but what about him? What about how Natsus' decision hurt her?

"Natsu?" She spoke his name softly, not wanting them to yell at each other anymore. When his eyes glanced at her she continued.

"At the time it wasn't about what I wanted. My father decided that I had to marry Sting. I was going to call it off as soon as I got the chance to talk to my father but I didn't think that Sting would go around telling everyone. When I did see my dad I never even got a chance to object because I was supposed to be the perfect daughter who just did as she was told. It was like I was to scared to say anything I knew he would get upset about." Lucy laughed a little at the end of her sentence.

She was so naive back then.

"You helped me to realize that I didn't have to be perfect. I just had to be myself. So I called off my engagement with Sting and moved out of the estate." Lucy's confident smile immediately faded.

"But I was to late. You had already gotten back together with Lissanna so there wasn't anything left for me. I already had all the credits I needed to enroll at the police academy so I left town and moved to Magnolia."

The intense atmosphere in the car seemed to be lifted dramatically. Just as Lucy had finished her explanation Natsu had pulled up to a wooden cottage that was deep in the forest. He turned off the car and looked at Lucy. Her warm hand grabbed his gently as she looked him straight in the face.

"Natsu, I'm so sorry. I honestly never meant to hurt you."

He leaned in closer to her, unknowingly causing her heart to flutter. His warm calloused hand lifted to cup her soft cheek.

"I'm sorry too." He whispered lowly.

His warm breath was sending pleasant chills across her skin. They were so close to each other that it sent both their hearts racing.

"Can you forgive me?" Natsu asked as his lips were practically hovering above hers.

"Of course." Lucy leaned in closing the gap between them.

Sparks began to fly.

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