Chapter 19

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At the warehouse, Loke and Gajeel stood around feeling uneasy.

"How did you manage to sneak in a machine gun?" Loke asked as he was loosening his tie.

The giant man just grunted not bothering to turn his attention towards the spiky orange haired man. They heard the muffled sound of an engine shut down and fast footsteps.

"What the hell happened out there?!" Gray shouted as he swung the heavy doors open.

"Calm down." Loke said as he tried to approach his friend.

"I am not going to calm down!" Gray shouted again as he pushed Loke away and walked straight up to Gajeel.

"Your going to tell me exactly what the fuck is going on." 

The dark raven haired man glared dangerously, despite his size difference.  However, the giant man covered in piercings wasn't fazed. In any case it didn't matter because Gray was committed to discovering the truth. Gajeel just looked down at him as he let out a short sigh.

"You already know she's been targeted right?"

Gray nodded but Loke stood with wide eyes.

"The captain thinks Tartaros is after her to get closer to all the resources that Lucky Co. has to offer."

"Do you think that?" Loke asked as he adjusted his glasses.

Gajeel shook his head slightly, "I think that my idiot of a partner's idea makes more sense."

"What the hell does Natsu think?" Gray glanced at Loke.

"That they want to recruit her. As a weapon."

The group went quiet at the sound a closing car door and approaching footsteps. The heavy warehouse door creaked open again, the group of men turned to see the pink head and blonde.

"Hey" Lucy waved to the group softly.

Gray and Loke both walked up to her, ignoring Natsu's glare.

"Are you okay?" Gray asked with concern.

Before Lucy could answer though, Natsu stepped in.

"Of course she's fine. She was with me." He said in an irritable tone.

As if he would ever let anything bad happen to her.

In an instant Gray's angry eyes flashed and he grabbed Natsu by his shirt before slamming him into the nearby wall. Hard.

"Gray!" Lucy screamed as she ran over and tried to remove Gray's hands from Natsu.

Gajeel and Loke approached them.

"I got it Gajeel." Natsu put his hands up, "Something on your mind Gray?"

The raven haired man pressed Natsu harder against the wall.

"You went too fucking far this time." His voice was low and dangerous.

His onyx eyes were hard against Gray's glare. He wasn't fazed by anything his life long friend said. Natsu knew what he was doing and as far as he was concerned, Loke and Gray just wouldn't be able to understand that.

Then Loke spoke.

"She isn't some tool for you to use in order lure out dangerous criminals."

Lucy was scared as she watched the scene before her. Gray and Loke were like her older brothers. They always looked out for her even when she insisted on not needing them to. Still, she had never seen them this upset.

"Why don't you ask her how she feels about this." The pink head said expressionless.

Gray scoffed at him before sharply releasing his hold on Natsu.

"She doesn't even know about half of the shit that's happening right now!" Gray raised his tone of voice.

"It's better this way." The pink head said lowly. He was silently praying that she wouldn't be able to hear.

Gray exasperated a breath before storming off outside the warehouse. The orange haired man just shook his head.

"Better for who?"

Natsu's eyes refused to meet Loke's, and after a minute of silence the closing of a metal door was heard again.

The blonde stood speechless at the scene that had just unfolded before her. She looked at Natsu and his onyx eyes bored into hers.

In that moment, something seemed wrong. The way his greenish black eyes stared at her sent a heavy feeling through her. That something was wrong. And after considering what Sting has said earlier she wasn't prepared to let her guard down for a second. The argument between the boys had brought a lot more questions to her mind. Ones that she doubted she would be given the answer to.

So the biggest question she had was...

Who can I really trust?

One last glance at Natsu, and she ran out of the warehouse.

"Lucy-" A firm grip held onto Natsu's shoulder.

"You ain't gonna be able to protect her from everything."

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