Chapter 31

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It was dark.

Pitch black actually. As Lucy tried to look around she found that she was unable to even see her own hands in front of her face. She felt her body laying down on the cold surface beneath her. It was quiet wherever she was, and there wasn't a sign of light anywhere. The sudden feeling of fear began to overwhelm her. She had no clue where she was or how she had gotten here in this pitch black darkness.

The young woman tried to scream for help but found that her voice wouldn't come out. She tried again and again failing each time until a lump began to form in her throat as the feeling of complete helplessness took over.

As Lucy wrapped her arms around herself she suddenly saw something shine from the corner of her eye. Turning around to find where the light was coming from she could feel the tears in her eyes as she saw Natsu right there. She could tell even though his back was turned to her. Without bothering to shout his name she ran through the darkness to him with her arms stretched out.

Then she felt a sudden chill crawl down her spine.

Lucy stopped abruptly a few inches behind Natsu. She could sense that something was wrong but couldn't exactly tell what.

She slowly reached her hand out towards his shoulder, "Natsu?", she tugged his shoulder and he began to turn around.

When his onyx eyes met her brown ones she felt so relieved. A soft smile crossed her face as she leaned in towards him but she failed to notice the rather blank expression across his face.

And then there was a gunshot.

Suddenly she felt herself hit the cold ground and her vision was nothing but blurry. The edges of her vision were dark and she tried to look around.

First down to her own body, her hand was covering her stomach and when she lifted her palm she suddenly saw crimson red dripping from her hand and covering her stomach.


The blondes vision suddenly panned away from her wound and to whatever was in front of her. She could hear chuckling. A figure stood in the blurry light ahead of her. The first one she noticed was Natsu. She couldn't mistake that fluffy pink hair, no matter how blurred her vision was. She tried to reach out to him, her breathing was getting heavier, then she noticed a second figure behind Natsu. Their appearance was shadowed but there was definitely someone else.

All of a sudden her vision focused, and Lucy's already faded brown eyes dilated. Standing there in the light in front of her bleeding out body stood Zeref, the leader of Tartaros and beside him was Natsu, holding a gun firmly in his grasp. The two of them shared evil smirks as they turned and looked down at her. That cold shiver Lucy had felt earlier came back ten times worse and everything went pitch black.




Lucy woke up in a cold sweat, she sat up in the run down bed and pushed back the stray strands of hair that were sticking to her forehead. Realizing the current events were just a part in her twisted nightmare. She turned to see Natsu sleeping soundly next to her, with a pillow between them.

She looked around the quiet motel room, not noticing anything out of the ordinary. The room was dimly lit due to the streetlights shining through the cracks of the blinds. The blonde sat on the bed in silence for a few moments before realizing there was no way she could fall back asleep. So she slowly lifted herself off the comforter, being careful not to disturb Natsu, she walked to the bathroom to rinse her face.

For some reason she could still feel that numbing feeling of fear.

Trying her best to shake off her emotions she dried her hands on the worn down motel towel. Entering back into the center room she saw Natsu still sleeping like a rock. The digital clock next to his bedside was flashing five a.m. Lucy let out a soft sigh as she leaned against the wall frame, the feeling of sleep wasn't even evident to her.

As the blonde began to debate against just laying back in bed something caught her eye. There on the desk peeking out of her bag was that thick orange envelope Levy gave her. Her brown eyes glanced towards Natsu's sleeping form before she quietly approached the desk. She cautiously pulled the envelope out of her bag, as if she was afraid of it. Taking one last look at Natsu still fast asleep, she took a seat in the squeaky office chair.

Opening the envelope she peaked inside and set it back down on the desk. What was she so hesitant about? It wasn't like Natsu knew she had them. Lucy began to think in an attempt to calm her nerves. Letting out a soft sight she pulled out a small stack of papers and began to shuffle through them.

And then she stopped.

Another chill crawled up her spine as she stared hesitantly at the papers in her hand. She was looking at Zeref Dragneel's criminal record. Lucy could feel her stomach begin to churn as she read through the gruesome and horrific details given throughout the murder scene descriptions. People had been caught on fire, chopped to pieces, eyes gauged out of their faces.

'Why would a living person do this to another?'

As she continued to read through she understood why Levy was so hesitant to share all the information with her. This was just sick, murdering innocent people, torturing them so they suffer some long gruesome death. Lucy's mind marveled at how the criminal mind worked, how one couldn't feel remorse but rather joy at the suffering of another.

But understanding exactly how criminals thought was part of her job. To understand their motives and always stay two steps ahead.

Too bad Lucy didn't realize she was already three steps behind.




"The threat has been neutralized. I repeat, the threat has been neutralized." A static voice cut off the loud speaker.

A scarlet red head looked up towards her fellow iron pierced officer. His hands still holding his gun firmly, his red eyes staring coldly at the dead bodies around them.

"That was easier than I thought."

Gajeel left no response for Erza's previous statement. He had a feeling she might have spoken too soon. The Fairytail Headquarters top notch security system had been breached. If that weren't nerve wracking enough the said intruders were clearly followers of Tartaros.

"They were probably here for Sting." He grunted and Erza nodded in agreement.

It was the only logical explanation.

Which meant that some how that bastard that was locked up underneath the H.Q. had been able to contact these fuckers and get them here.

'But how the fuck did he do it?' The iron giant grunted as he came to conclusion and without hesitation turned away to walk back inside.

Erza watched as he stomped away and knowing where he was going. Letting out a heavy sigh she looked down at the bodies and back up at the setting sun. As the orange sun was setting over the horizon her loose Scarlett hair swayed with the wind. She began to get a relaxing feeling that they were getting close to the end of this.

To defeating Tartaros and rescuing Natsu from his current situation.

Little was she aware that this little attack was only the beginning, and the next one was coming straight for a woman with golden hair and brown eyes.




"Bring her to me. Alive."

Hey Peeps!

Sorry for not updating for so long. I've been super busy. I just got a job and I've been dealing with some family issues. So it hasn't been that easy but I'm trying my best to get back into consistent updates so please be patient with me. I appreciate all of you who are staying with my story. :) You're all awesome!

Stay beautiful ✌🏻

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