Chapter 11

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"What's that supposed to mean Lu?" Her blunette bestie elbowed her side gently.

"I think Lucy still has feelings for Natsu." Juvia stated bluntly.

There was a loud slam on the table.

"I do not!" Lucy's face was bright red as she stared with wide eyes at the dark blue haired girl.

All thoughts of denial rushed through her head. There just couldn't be any way she still had feelings for that pink haired jerk. She couldn't ever forgive him for what he had done all those years ago. All that time spent feeling nothing but pain and regret. That overwhelming feeling of loneliness that would surround her at night. She wouldn't allow all of that to be for nothing.

However, despite her over dramatic behavior her friends faces were covered in smiles.

"Come on Lucy, just give the idiot another chance."

"Not happening Gray." She stated clearly as she plopped back down in the booth.

"Me and Natsu are done."

Loke and Gray both smirked at each other as the same thought crossed their minds.

'I've heard that once before.'

The group eventually strayed away from the topic of Natsu and Lucy's past relationship. Somehow through out the night Gray's shirt had managed to come off three times and when a server caught him with no pants on she had to ask the whole table to leave.

The night had come to close, but as Lucy wandered around her apartment she reminisced about those days. The pictures that were hung along her walls were filled with her accomplishments and memories over the years. Awards and events she had earned and experienced. She cherished them deeply.

As she walked back into her bedroom, she carefully opened her bedside drawer and lifted up a vintage looking book. It's leather cover was torn around the edges as she gently pulled out a photo from underneath. It wasn't a professional one but it had a messy pink haired boy with a big grin on his face. Even though the edges of the photo were slightly crinkled it wasn't faded.

She carefully tucked herself into bed, holding the small photo gently between her fingers.

'Yea you broke it off because you were to good for me right?'

His voice echoed in the back of her mind, but before she had time to process a thought sleep had over taken her.

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