Chapter 29

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"God damnit!"

Natsu cursed loudly as he pressed his foot down on the gas pedal and sped off further down the road. The sound of gunshots was beginning to get more frequent. Who the hell was shooting at them? It couldn't be Zeref's men..could it? But how the hell did they find them already?!

"Keep your head down!" Natsu shouted as he began to swerve the empty road. It was the only defense he could think of. If they were being targeted he would make it harder for them to get a clear shot.

"Yea! No shit!" Lucy shouted as her hands were locked behind her head.

She knew they weren't even close to the cabin yet. Would they even be able to make it there? She could feel the fear beggining to take over her senses. What were they going to do? Her chocolate eyes flickered to the rear view mirror.

"Natsu" she spoke his name loud enough for him to hear.

"Yea, I see him." The pink head growled.

Right behind them was an unidentified figure on a motorcycle. The helmet hide their face but Lucy's eyes were focused on the black metallic color of the gun.

Browning Hi-power.


Short recoil.

Depending on the type of caliber the gun was operating with, it could shoot a range of 10 - 15 rounds. That meant Natsu just had to stay unharmed until then.

A very cunning yet completely reckless idea popped into the blondes head. If she wanted to live though, there wasn't really another option.

"Natsu do you have a gun in here?" Lucy asked clearly, still keeping her head down.

As the pink head continued to swerve his hands along his steering wheel he answered, "Yea I have a glock in the glove box. Why?"

Without any hesitation the blonde
popped open the glove box and picked up the piece.

Glock 19

She let out a sigh of relief to herself.
A weapon she sort of understood how to handle. That would make this a lot easier.

"It's loaded." Natsu stated.

The blonde nodded as she unbuckled her seat belt. She could feel the adrenaline beginning to pump through her veins.

This was it. She had to protect them.

She rolled down the window and rotated her body around. With both her hands holding the gun she aimed straight.

The sounds of both the motor vehicles engines were roaring loudly as they zoomed down the road. The sounds of gunshots was among the rest of the noise a green scenery was blurring right by them.

Lucy took a deep breath as she placed her finger on the trigger.

She shot it once.

The unidentifed figure flew off of the motorcycle and smashed onto the concrete road. Causing the motorcycle to swerve off the road and smash somewhere around the lush green nature...and a tree stump.

"Nice shot Luce!" Natsu smiled widely.

The blonde was slightly panting, "Yea, thanks." She smiled gently, placing the gun back in the glove box.

She looked down at her hands, they were a faint red and stinging. The knock back was more powerful than she had expected.

'But I did it.' She smiled softly.

Natsu made a complete U-Turn with the car and stopped right in front of the lifeless looking body.

"Stay here." He muttered as he turned off the cars engine and exited the vehicle.

Deep down Lucy hoped she hadn't just killed the unknown person. She was a cop not a murderer.

The pink head kicked the body with his foot, causing another gun to slip out from the black jacket they wore. He kicked that away too. Kneeling down he slipped the helmet off of the head of the unknown figure.

He couldn't say he recognized the pale unconscious face. Natsu was even a little disappointed he was still breathing. This bastard hadn't just put him in danger, but Lucy too. If the idiot was still conscious the pink head would have wasted no time in punching him mercilessly.

As his brows furrowed more at the thought of anger instead of suspicion, his onyx orbs dilated as he saw a dark orange mark on the mans neck. In a way it looked like two crossed hammer like silhouettes.

Natsu recognized it immediately.

They had been found some how. Fuck. There was no telling whether or not they would be safe going back to the cabin. The pink head rose to his feet once again. His eyes met with Lucy's through his windshield window. Her chocolate eyes widening at his serious expression.

Tartaros had found them.

And there was no telling just how long they had until they were officially out of time.

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