Chapter 2

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Chief Makarov.

Head of the Magnolia Protection Agency [MPA]

He can be a cute fluffy old man but when he was angry it was like a call to duck and cover.

And today would be the day to hide.

"You directly violated standard procedures Heartfilia. Not only that but you also let the robber escape."  His wrinkly eyes glared.

His new rookie was standing timidly in his office explaining her previous encounter on her coffee run.

He was thankful that he had been given the opportunity to have such a skilled over achiever in his department.

But she was still a rookie. And he knew he couldn't let her wreckless behavior go unpunished.

He sighed heavily as he grabbed the bridge of his nose tightly before regaining eye contact with the blonde.

"Now you tell me Lucy, how do you think I should react to this?"

The blonde stood with her head down for a minute. She didn't really know what to say. That cashier could have died if she hadn't stepped in. She understood that she would be in trouble for breaking the standard procedure when dealing with a robbery but she couldn't have just willingly ignored the situation.

"With all do respect sir, if I hadn't done something then, that man could have been injured or even killed if I hadn't stepped in."

"I understand that but you have to understand if you had made any mistakes in that situation you wouldn't be standing here with me right now." He stared at her firmly not breaking eye contact.

"But Chief I took this job to protect others. Even if my life is put in danger in the process I know what I signed up for." Her chocolate eyes stared strongly.

Full of passion and spirit.

And too many times over the years had Makarov seen those kinds of officers die.

"Recklessness and Negligence are two very different subjects my dear. You'd be wise to understand that." He stated calmly.

"Now for the rest of the day you'll help McGarden sort out the criminal records files in the basement."

"Yes sir."

And with that he waved her off out of the office and she clicked the door shut quietly.

She sighed heavily once it was completely closed and leaned back against it. She had only been here for a few months and she had done so much more paperwork than she wanted to do in her entire life. She wanted to be out in the field, helping people, busting crime rings, changing lives. But another part of her always seemed to hold her back. The part of her that thought she wasn't good enough. The part that always got her to question whether she was really able to handle this line of work. 

"Hey Lucy, your back." she smiled up at her spikey orange haired co-worker.

"Oh hey Loke" she smiled at him readjusting her posture.

"You get in trouble already rookie?" he joked gesturing towards the cheifs door

"Hehe yeaa..I broke a few rules out on my coffee run today." she laughed nervously and she could tell Loke tried to hold back his chuckles like a mad man.

"Don't worry Lucy, you'll get the hang of this soon enough." He patted her shoulder.

"Yea..I hope so." she whispered.

"Well I gotta go help Levy down in the basement, but tell Aries hello for me."

"I will." he waved her off.


"Hey Lu!" the bluenette girl smiled as she struggled to pick up a heavy and dusty card board box.

"Hey Lev!" Lucy smiled at her as she grabbed the box from the small woman's hands before placing it back on the basement floor.

"It sure is dusty in here huh?" Lucy commented as she looked around at all the boxes and filing cabinets lined in rows and towers along the walls.

"Yea, the chief is hoping to have all these documents in here transferred to the databases by the end of the year." Levy stated as she tried to wipe the trickster of gray dust off her white collared shirt and black pencil skirt.

"Well if anyone can do it, its you right Lev?" Lucy smiled widely at her best friend.

"Just because I love you Lu doesn't mean your getting out of work. Your helping me with all this too." Levy smirked as she continued rummaging through documents.

"Ugghh" Lucy groaned as stood next to Levy. She really hated paper work.

"What do I have to do?"

"Take that box and start transferring the files onto the databases. It'll get done faster this way." she smiled as she continued reading through files.

Lucy sighed as she picked up the solid brown box "Oka Lev, see ya."

"Bye Lu." She said cheerfully before going back to reading the files.

But Lucy was practically crying at the realization that she had been set up to do...PAPERWORK.

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