Chapter 20

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Lucy looked around the dark parking lot only to see Gray and Loke standing off to the side of the building. She hesitated approaching them, but they saw her an gave a soft smile and a small nod. Her feet began moving towards the pair of guys, she could immediately tell by the looks on their faces they were frustrated.

She stood hesitant in front of the building, debating on what she should say to them. For as long as she had know all of the boys they were always so bold and upfront with expressing their emotions.

"Go wait in the car."

She felt a warm hand on her bare shoulder.


He smiled softly, it was an attempt to tell her that he would handle things. She got the message clearly and nodded as she walked.

Once he turned back his cold onyx eyes glared towards the Magnolia officers. The closer he approached them he could see they were glaring right back at him. The atmosphere was tense as he stood before his friends, but something had to be said. Especially if he wanted to protect Lucy.

"You guys seriously need to learn to keep your mouths shut." Natsu stated in a dangerous tone.

Gray was ready to throw a punch at the pink head but Loke's arm held him back.

"You need to take her off of this assignment." Loke stated clearly and seriously.

"I can't do that." Natsu replied simply.

"And why the hell not?" Gray asked lowly.

Natsu just stared at them, as he bit back the corner of his lip. He was debating, on whether or not to tell them the truth. They couldn't know, not yet. But he had to give them something.

"It's safer for her this way." He said as his gaze met theirs.

But of course his response only seemed to cause more questions. And make their opinions more evident.

"The hell it is. It's safer for her away from this." The raven haired man stated.

"I gotta agree with Gray on this. Your putting her in more danger this way." Loke added.

Natsu's face showed pure rage now. His brows were furrowed and those onyx eyes were glaring daggers.

"It's not up for discussion. She's staying on this assignment where I can keep a better watch on her." He growled.

The other two just stared angrily, trying to come up with another point as to why it was to dangerous for Lucy. But before they could Natsu had left them speechless.

"I'm the only one who can protect her from them."


The late night radio was softly playing. Swift flashes of streetlights filled in the dark car before disappearing again. Lucy's soft breathing was the only thing Natsu was listening to as he drove through the city streets. She had fallen asleep in the car, he thought it was cute.

When he arrived at her apartment complex he decided to just carry her instead of waking her. She looked completely exhausted as loose strands of gold fell around her porcelain face.

"You don't even need the make up." He smiled softly.

He unbuckled her and gently picked up her curvy figure. As he walked up the staircase to her apartment door he could feel her shift slightly. Her face was now nuzzled in the crook of his neck.


Her hot breath hit a rather sensitive scar in his neck which sent a very pleasant wave of sensation through the pink heads body. It caused him to shudder slightly. Now was not the time or place to be feeling emotions such as this.

He thought about what their relationship had been like before.

Then there was a suspicious shuffling sound. Natsu tightened his grip on Lucy's legs and arms, she was in a bridal style position. As he approached her door nothing seemed out of the ordinary. It was securely closed and nothing showed that the lock had been tampered with.

He let out a sigh of relief before unlocking and opening her door. He gently walked to her bedroom and turned on the light switch wrote gently laying her down on her bed.

She shuffled slightly as he released his hold on her, almost as if she didn't want him to go. As he started to take off her heels the clear clicking sound of a gun.

And an all to familiar voice from behind him.

"Well isn't this interesting."

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