Chapter 26

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"Hey's me...Listen, I need a favor."


Natsu woke up groggily on the couch the next morning. After having a rather heated and awkward conversation with Lissanna last night he didn't have any time to talk to Lucy. And judging from the silence, she hadn't left the bedroom at all.

He rubbed his face irritably, taking in a deep breath. Damn. He thought Lissanna had understood their one night stands were over. History. Ever since the golden haired goddess had come back into the picture he hadn't once made an effort to contact her.

Maybe that's where he made the mistake.

But Lucy was back! He had finally gotten to see her after all this time. Sure he was excited, even a little happy. Natsu had hoped that meeting her again he could finally understand everything that happened and why she did it.

Then, last night he had finally gotten the answers he was looking for. Lucy was lost and unsure of what decision to make but thanks to him...because of him she was able to stand up for herself.

'And my fucking ego got in the way of that.'

If he hadn't been so angry and filled with jealousy he could have talked everything out with Lucy. For all he knew they could have still been together.

Instead he went to Lissanna. Causing Lucy to leave without saying a word to anyone. Without saying good bye to him.

'I ain't letting her go this time.'

As if on cue Lucy walked out of the bedroom. She was wearing a pair of faded jeans and a loose white top. Her chocolate orbs met his for a split second before she walked into the bathroom.

He stared blankly at the hallway for a moment before ruffling his hair. When she was ready to hear what he had to say, he would explain everything.

Until then, he had other things on his mind.

'What's for breakfast?' He thought as he began to rummage through the fridge. The pink head pulled out some eggs and bacon. Turning on the stove he grabbed a pan and a bowl and began to crack some eggs while allowing the pan to get warm.

He heard the the bathroom door shut and footsteps stop behind him. He tossed a few strips of bacon on the pan before facing her.

"Can I borrow your car?" She asked calmly.

"Why?" He stared at her.

Her gaze flickered from him to the floor, "I need to go pick up some..paperwork."

He let out a heavy sigh, "Where?"

"A small town, about an hour away from here."


Lucy looked at him startled. He said no. Oh well. On with the plan then.

"Alright," she shrugged as she turned away "I guess I'll just walk then."

She felt him suddenly and firmly grab her upper arm. Her head whipped around to face him and she was shocked at the dangerously serious expression on his face.

"No as in you can't go. At all." His brows furrowed at the blonde.

But Lucy was never one to fear Natsu. Even when he was dead serious.

"I need to go and get this paperwork Natsu." She said in an equally serious tone.

Natsu just glared at the stubborn woman. Trying his best not to tug her arm to tightly.

"I said you ain't goin' an that's final. It's too dangerous."

Lucy angrily yanked her arm away from the pink heads grasp. She tried to glare him down but he wasn't fazed. He showed her a look that said I don't care if you are mad. Then he turned around and continued to make his breakfast. The blonde sighed in defeat and decided she would have to use her plan b idea.

"Don't even think about it Heartfilia."

Natsu's voice caused her to freeze with her hand hovering right above the ground door handle.

"How the hell..." she twitched slightly before stomping back into the bedroom.

Lucy's gaze wandered to the window above the bed. It wasn't too far of a drop to get outside... She grabbed her book bag from her suitcase and a hoodie.

'Plan C it is.'

Lucy decided as she quietly and quickly opened the window. Wrapping the bag around her shoulders and hoodie around her waist she gently maneuvered herself up and through the window. Her fingers clinging to the edge as she tried to quietly land on the ground below.

She waited a moment to see if Natsu had heard anything. There was no sound. The blonde crept around the side of the cabin quietly, last Natsu's Mustang. Until she finally was out of sight of the cabin.

Her curvy figure disappearing into the lush green forest. She did determination in her eyes as she continued to walk away.

"Sorry Natsu, but I need to know..."

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