Chapter 30

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Sorry for being so inactive. School just started again and I've been loaded with homework. And also planing for my birthday party 🤗. But I hope this chapter makes up for that. Enjoy 💕

The faint sound of footsteps echoed through a darkly lit corridor. Candle sticks decorated each side of the hall. The soft orange glow filled the space just as much as the scent of the burning wax did. The echo of footsteps stopped and the creak of a door followed.

"Boss?" A rough voice spoke.

Some how, through the shadows of darkly lit room, a few streaks on moonlight crept in. Only shedding light upon pale skin and crimson red eyes. The creepy scene was enough to send chills down the muscular guards spine.

"That newbie fails. By the time the rest of the crew got there, they were gone."

Crimson red eyes bored through the shadows.

"What about the cabin?"

"They never went back."

It went quiet. A heavy sigh filled the dark space. Then a soft, almost inaudible whisper said,

"You can't keep running away forever Natsu."




Meanwhile, Lucy and Natsu were at a rundown motel in the middle of nowhere. The blonde was sitting on the edge of the bed, staring down at her own hands. The realization of what she had done just a few hours ago was beginning to catch up with her. Natsu failed to notice her growing fear though. He had been continuously pacing across the small room. Desperately trying to contact anyone and everyone from the Fairytail agency.

No one was answering.

As Natsus' patience began to thin Lucy began to feel nauseas. The fear and guilt was beginning to eat away at her. What if that person had a family? One that could be cluelessly waiting for their arrival..What have I done?

In seconds, Lucy's rushed from the bed to the bathroom. She began to violently vomit into the porcelain throne. At the sound of this Natsu dropped his phone without hesitation and was by her side in milliseconds. He gathered her golden locks and held them behind her while rubbing gentle circles along her back. When she stopped and spit the last bit of the vile taste from her mouth, her tears were still free falling.

"I-I really killed him..." She spoke softly before flushing and leaning into Natsu's chest.

"I murdered someone Natsu."

The pink head felt his heart crack at the sound of pain coming from Lucy's voice.

But he knew exactly why she was feeling this way.

Lucy had a different upbringing to the criminal justice force than he did. While she was trained to deal with minor crimes like theft or local violence disturbances, she could provide those people with alternative motives after jail time. Basically, Lucy dealt with misguided people, at least that's how he saw it.

Natsu was dealt with a rougher, more serious side of the criminal justice system. He dealt with sick twisted psychopaths. The kinds of people who didn't deserve a second chance but rather to rot in a cell for the rest of their lives. The pink head often hoped that the people he dealt with would get sentenced to life in prison before even getting a chance to be sent back into society.

The main point is that this line of work isn't meant for everyone.

They both knew that long before signing up.

Before he knew it, Lucy removed herself from Natsu's arms. She reached the sink and began to rinse her mouth and face. Despite the current distance between them Natsu could still see her body trembling slightly.

"You had to do it." He said as he got up from his position on the floor.

He approached the blonde who's head was hanging low. Her bangs were covering her eyes but Natsu knew she was crying. Gently placing his hand on her shoulder he spoke,

"I know this is a frightening thing for you to bear right now Luce," The blonde slowly turned around to meet his onyx eyes, "But I'm right here with you. Alright?"

Lucy was still crying, it was like her tears couldn't stop. But somehow she didn't feel a heavy sickness, she felt like that weight had been lifted off of her. How was it that even after all this time he still knew what to say to her?

"Natsu" His name slipped past her lips as she hugged him tightly.

The sudden action caught the pink head off guard. As her strawberry vanilla scent washed over him the pink head got a sudden wave of goosebumps. When was the last time she hugged me like this?

A soft tickling sensation caught his attention.

"Thank you." She muffled into his shirt.

Natsu couldn't help the smile that grew across his face. He wrapped his arms back around her, smiling as she wrapped hers even tighter.

"Anytime Luce."

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