Chapter 14

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The beat of a popular R&B song was playing lowly in a crimson Mustang. The bass was loud enough that the car seats would shake every time it hit a beat.

"Do you mind changing the song?" Lucy's voice cut in above the music.

Natsu just shook his head with a smirk on his face.

"My car. My rules."

She just sighed and leaned her body back against the car seat. She was already feeling bitter towards Loke for insisting she ride with Natsu. Gray had taken his motorcycle today and Loke was able to ride with Gajeel in his jet black Ferrari.

'How much do they get paid anyway?'

The golden haired woman smiled softly as a new song came on the radio. It was one that she knew and loved. It was calm and meaningful but before she knew it her soft humming turning into sweet vocals.

'You are my dream.

There's not a thing I won't do.

I'll give my life up for you.

Cause you are my dream.'

Onyx orbs gazed upon her widely before softening slowly. His sharp canines formed a soft smile as her sweet voice filled the car.

"Luce." He whispered.


A Mustang, Ferrari, and a Harley Davidson motorcycle pulled into what seemed to be an abandoned warehouse.

"This isn't shady." Lucy muttered under her breath.

"Just get out of the car would ya?" The pink head stated as he closed his own door.

"So why are we here?" Gray asked as he looked up at the run down brick building.

The warehouse exterior looked completely abandoned. It had busted windows and run down walls.

"This is where we're getting ready for tonight." Gajeel stayed as he pushed open the rusty iron doors.

The inside of the building was pitch black. Loke and Gray followed behind Gajeel but Lucy hesitated.

Then she felt a warm hand around her own and she began to unconsciously approach the darkness.

"Still afraid of the dark huh?" Natsu said as he lead her inside.

Lucy just hugged and turned away from him. She could feel her own face heat up. Then there was a bright flash of white and suddenly the pitch black darkness was gone.

There was a low cough and a few chuckles.

"Uhm..Luce?" Natsu whispered her name and gestured to their still intertwined fingers.

The blondes entire face turned red and she immediately released his hand. While Gajeel sighed and turned away the other two had the biggest grins across their faces.

"What are you looking at?!" Lucy snapped at them in embarrassment.

The two just turned around sarcastically and looked at the warehouses surroundings.

"At least the inside isn't as crappy as the outside." Loke stated as he looked around the spacious room.

It was as if the inside was completely rebuilt. The walls were reinforced and so was the roof. The only source of light was coming from the bulbs that were lined up end to end across the ceiling.

"I'm guessing this warehouse belongs to Fairytail." Gray said to no one as he continued to wander around.

Lucy also began to wander just looking at the interior of the building.

There were thick metal bars and racks located along the walls, roof, and from the floor to the ceiling as support for the large platforms located along the side walls. After seeing all this she couldn't understand what being here had to do with their mission for tonight.

"Gather around runts." Gajeel shouted as he and Natsu stood in the middle of the large room.

Natsu held out a small black ear piece in his palm.

"Tonight this is what we are gonna use to stay in contact with each other."

Loke and Gray looked at him with sarcastic faces.

"And we couldn't have done this at the station because why?" The spiky orange haired man sighed.

"Because these also have tracking devices on them." The pink head stated.

Gray and Loke looked at each other again as if still not understanding but then Lucy spoke up.

"Let me guess" she started "If we use them in here then they can't be tracked right?"

"Not quite bunny girl." Gajeel chuckled.

"Let the pyro finish."

The trio of Magnolia agents silently gave Natsu their full attention as he continued to explain how the ear piece worked.

"To summarize if we activate and limit the earpieces signal to only recognize each others than we don't have to worry about them getting tapped."

"By the members of Tartaros right?" Gray questioned.

"Partly." Gajeel shrugged.

The group looked at them with raised eyebrows.

"There's going to be a few more unidentified groups that work underneath Tartaros. If everything goes as planned we can take out everyone."

Loke and Gray nodded in understanding but Lucy's chocolate gaze stayed on Natsu. Something about what he was saying seemed very vague.

'Who is everyone?'

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