Chapter 10

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A few weeks have passed since the encounter with Natsu and Lucy. Everyone at the agency had noticed Lucy's distant behavior. It seemed as if she had built a wall shielding her from anyone and everyone who approached her, but it was only because she was hurting. More than anyone could understand. That day she had met Natsu seemed to haunt her, because the one thing she thought she left behind forever was closer than she could have ever imagined.

And she was scared.

Because the feelings she thought had disappeared years ago were slowly seemingly to bubble up to the surface.

Lucy sighed as she slumped over onto her work desk. It was a slow day at the agency, which she couldn't be upset about. She was happy that their wasn't that much danger but then again she was bored. And the paperwork seemed like a waste of time. At least until the blonde was scared to the point of falling out of her chair.

"Hey Lu!"

"LEVY!" she screamed readjusting back into her chair

"Sorry Lu, didnt mean to scare ya." Levy laughed at her startled friend.

"Its okay. Its my fault for not paying attention." Lucy sighed reorganizing her cluttered desk.

"Anyways, what are you doing tonight?" the blunette asked sitting on her desk beside her.

"Nothing planned. Why do you ask?"

"Well I was thinking since its Friday, we could all go out to get something to eat tonight."

"Yea come on Lucy it'll be fun!" Gray and Loke cheered popping out from behind Levy.

"WILL YOU PEOPLE STOP SCARING ME LIKE THAT!" Lucy yelled trying to calm her racing heart once again.

"So your in?" they smiled creepily at her and all Lucy could do was sigh and give in.


After finishing their shifts the group of friends went straight to a new American style restaurant that Levy had been talking up all day.

"Honestly a burger sounds perfect right now!" Lucy laughed as she and Levy stepped out of their cars and walked inside the restaurant.

It was oddly enough, tiki themed. Which seemed fun, but also a little...much. Lucy and Levy laughed awkwardly as they noticed some of the waiters and waitresses in short grass skirts and coconut bras.

"Dont get me wrong, Id wear that." Levy started awkwardly

"But Id try to cover up what I needed too." Lucy finished as she saw a man walking with a tray but his chest was covered in hair.

"That has to be a health code violation." Levy sighed as her and Lucy sat at a booth.

"Lets just hope our waiter knows how to shave." Lucy said before her and Levy shared a laugh.

"Hey guys" the girls heard a familiar voice as Gray, Juvia, Loke, and Aries approached their booth.

"You guys made it!" Levy cheered as her and Lucy got up to greet their other gal pals.

"Its been a while." Juvia smiled as she started to sit in the booth, being mindful of her slight baby bump.

"Its been to long." Aries laughed quietly getting in the booth as well.

Levy and Lucy had ended up each sitting at the edges of the booth before their waitress showed up. The others had got sodas and waters but Levy and Lucy decided to have margaritas.
After all, it was Friday!

After the group caught up with the married couples about their lives. Like the gender of Juvias baby, "its a girl" and when Loke and Aries are going to have a baby. Which they are not planning on discussing any time soon. And then they got to the all too awkward conversation on Levy and Lucy's love life.

"So I have some news." Lucy announced catching everyone's attention.

"I ran into Natsu the other week."

They all paused and looked at each other, mixed emotions began to cover their faces.

"Natsu Dragneel?" Levy spoke up as a way to try to clarify.

"Yea." Lucy said softly but turned her attention to the two men chuckling.

"So Flame Brain's back in town huh?" The raven haired one grinned.

"Can't say I'm not excited to see how things play out from now on." Loke smiled as he adjusted his glasses.

Levy's face had turned a deep shade of pink.

"D-Do you think that means Gajeel's in town too?"

Everyone smirked.

"Well considering that Iron giant and pyromaniac studied to be in the same business I'd say it's a possibility that Gajeel's not far from him." Gray stated as he took a sip of his drink.

Although everyone was calm at the table they were gleaming on the inside. Gajeel and Levy had it bad for each other back in school and now if they were both back in the same place, we'll there was no telling how intense things would get.

The blunette was sipping her drink as if there was no tomorrow and the blonde beside her was just carelessly stirring with her straw.

"So," Loke cleared his throat, "How did it go when you and Natsu met up?"

Lucy stayed quiet for a moment as she thought about what to say. But when she thought about that morning with him it hurt her and made her feel as though she was flying all at once.

A soft sad smile crossed her lips.

"He's still the same Natsu."

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