Chapter 25

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As the night surrounded the world Lucy and Natsu paid it no mind. Lucy's hands were wrapped tightly around the secret agents neck, Natsus' hands entangled in Lucy's blonde locks. He continued to dip his tongue in and out of her mouth and Lucy allowed him access to every inch of her.

She could feel pleasant volts of electricity race throughout her body every time he touched her. And as if the pink heads tan skin wasn't hot enough the closeness to the busty blonde was pleasing his not just himself but his member as well.

'But this isn't right.' Natsus' subconscious echoed. He wanted to shake that thought away. Ignore the heavy feeling that was starting to fill his chest but he couldn't. He was just making things more confusing between them.

'But she's kissing me back...'

That thought was enough to erase that heaviness. Maybe this was all the proof he needed. It could be possible that after all this time Lucy really did still want him.

Then she pulled away. A trail of saliva still connecting their tongues. Both of them were breathing heavily. Lucy got a rather seductive smirk across her face. And maybe it was just the way the moonlight was causing her chocolate eyes and porcelain skin to shine but she looked completely and utterly sexy.

Natsu stared at the goddess before him with wide eyes, starting to feel disappointed that she pulled away.

"W-we should probably..get some sleep.." she gasped between words.

Natsu stared at her blankly for a second before responding.

"Y-yea..I'll get the bags.." he got out of the car silently and opened the trunk.

Lucy stayed in the car mentally cursing herself for ending their moment. But she had to. Now wasn't the time for them to fix their relationship. She heard Natsu slam the trunk close he tapped on the window gently.

"You coming?" He raised an eyebrow at her.

"Yea give a second." She smiled at him. He nodded and walked up to the cabin door and unlocked it, disappearing inside.

Once his figure disappeared her smile faded.  Her previous thoughts were starting to come back but a loud muffled buzzing immediately caught her attention. She looked around the car until she saw a bright light coming from between the drivers seat and the floor board.

As she reached down to grab whatever it was she recognized the rectangular object in her had was a cell phone.

Natsu cell phone to be exact.

It was still buzzing in her hand and her eyes widened at the caller ID.

It read 'Liss' and showed a picture of a short white haired girl with big blue eyes wearing a bikini.

'Lissanna Strauss.'

Lucy could recognize that face anywhere. It always hurt her but she never felt anger when she saw Lissanna. Just hurt and maybe some jealousy, because she had got what Lucy had.

Apparently she still had him.

The golden haired woman's thoughts were cut off when the buzzing stop. Instead two more short buzzes followed showing text messages.

'Hey baby'

'Call me back? I miss you.'


Oh he was so dead.


Natsu was slumped over on the couch in the cozy cottage. It wasn't very big, in fact it only had one bedroom. The layout was simple enough. Once you walked through the door there was a kitchenette set up along with a fold out couch and tv. On the opposite side was a short hall way with a two doors. One led to the bathroom and one led to the bedroom. It was a cozy modern setup. Nothing to fancy, granite countertops, hand carved wooden bed frame, and top of the notch fridge and television.

After the crazy night he had it felt nice to finally relax onto the sofa and mindlessly watch tv.

Then the door slammed open.

And a hard object hit his chest.

He looked up to see an angry blonde glaring at him.

"Your such an ass!" She screamed before storming off into the direction of the bedroom.

The spiky pink haired man blinked a few times. Trying to understand what the fuck just happened.

The phone vibrated next to him.


"Damnit." Natsu muttered under his breath.

He glanced towards the now shut bedroom door, only imagining what could be running through Lucy's mind. His gaze fell from the door as he took in a deep breath and stood, unlocking his phone he dialed the most recent number on his call log.

It rang once before he heard an answer.

'Hey baby what are y-'

"We need to talk." His voice came out deep and stern as he walked outside to the porch.



There was a loud and scratchy coughing sound that echoed.

Gajeel stood angry as always in the dimly lit room. It was the interrogation room located at Fairytail headquarters. It was underground which made good atmosphere for certain interrogation methods. Such as slapping. Or punching...maybe a little bit of kicking. But nothing too serious.

"I'm not going to put up with any more of your smart ass answers." The iron giant growled as he grabbed Sting by his blonde locks and yanked him back up straight.

He was handcuffed to the chair so wherever he fell the seat followed.

"You don't scare me." Sting stated emotionlessly.

He had a black eye and dry blood under his nose along with additional blood dripping from his lip. The nice tux he had been wearing the day before was starting to look very worn out.

"I don't gotta scare ya." Gajeel began to laugh darkly, "I can beat your ass all day if I need to."

The blonde stiffened a little. Maybe he wasn't scared but feeling pain wasn't something he wanted either. As Gajeel's fist got ready for another punch aimed at his face, the blonde flinched.

"Alright! I'll tell ya what you want to know."

Gajeel's fist flexed and then rested by his side.

"I'm glad you could see things my way." He chuckled.

Sting just rolled his eyes, clearly unhappy that he lost this battle.

"So blondie," Gajeel's red eyes narrowed as he stared down Sting

"What the hell does your boss want with Bunny Girl?"

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