Chapter 16

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[Sorry, this is a long chapter peeps. But it's okay, we can get through this. Enjoy!]

Long time no see."

Natsu actually looked up from his plate of food and caught site of Lucy and the one person his despised the most.

His onyx eyes sharpened and glared at the blonde man in a dark blue tux as he smiled down at the woman in the crimson dress. He brought his hand up to his ear carefully as he tapped a button.

"Guys, I've got sight of him."


"W-What are you doing here?" The chocolate eyed woman stuttered.

"I got invited by some friends but that's not important." He shrugged as he continued to smile at her.

"What are you doing here? I figure all that police work would be keeping you to busy to attend events like this anymore." He laughed lightly.

She laughed along with him but in the back of her mind she was frantically trying to find a way out of this conversation. Her mission wasn't to catch up with an old flame it was to search for a terrorist organization.

"Yea well things are going pretty slow so it doesn't really keep me as busy as you would think." She replied sweetly as she took another long sip of her wine as she scanned the room.

From the corner of her eye she saw Sting's deep blue eyes looking at her figure up and down, his sharp canine bit the corner of his lip. She tried to ignore it and hope that the nauseous sensation in her stomach would disappear.

"Do you want to dance?" He raised an eyebrow to her as he extended his hand.

She looked at him with wide eyes and kept her glass close to her lips.

"Uhm actually..." she trailed off as her eyes frantically scanned the room for a certain pink haired man.

Dancing with Sting was an unpleasant luxury she couldn't afford right now. It would distract her from her surroundings and what if she missed a signal from...

"Go dance with him."

'..who the hell.'

"Now Luce."


She remembered the hidden ear piece. Lucy subtly looked around the room again for the pink head but still couldn't find him. She looked back up towards Sting who was staring at her confidently.

'He's still so cocky.' She sighed at her thought before placing her wine on a table near them.

"Let's go." She put on a smile as Sting took her hand and lead her to the dance floor.

Sting placed his hand around her waist and held her other hand in his, and Lucy rested her free hand on his shoulder and then they began to gently and elegantly move along with the classical music.

'Where the hell are you Natsu?' Her thoughts were running wild with concern. Instead of looking at her dance partner her chocolate eyes were scanning the crowd around them for any sign of pink.

"You need to relax Luce. We have everything under control. Just keep him on the dance floor."

Natsu's static voice was clear in her head and she took a deep breath.

'You can do this Lucy.' She told herself as she made eye contact with Sting.

His dark blue orbs staring deeply into her chocolate ones. It was awkward.

"So I take it your still single right?"

'Oh gawd.' Lucy cringed.

"Yup." She answered simply.

Sting raised an eyebrow to her, "Let me guess, Dragneel didn't want you back did he?"

'Oh hell no.'

"It was more complicated than that." Lucy pursed her lips, she was trying to chose her words very carefully because she knew he could hear everything right now.

He nodded his head as they continued to swing along with the beat of the music.

"I have a question for you." He kept his eyes on her. For a moment he just gazed at her.

She simply stared back.

"Why was it always Natsu?"

Lucy felt her heart stop, and heat rise to her cheeks.

"I-I don't know what your talking about." She lied, her gaze had wandered away from Stings eyes.

"Come on princess," he spoke softly as he placed his finger under her chin "I'm not stupid."

Even though there was a soft smile on his face, Lucy could see the sadness in his deep ocean eyes.

"The way you looked at him, even when you were with me, your eyes always seemed...brighter..somehow."

With every word Sting spoke the more it tore Lucy's heart. She recognized her emotions all to well. She could relate to them, but it was a whole different feeling knowing she had caused them. And she couldn't deny it. As much as she wanted to say it wasn't true...

"I'm sorry Sting." She said softly.

"Don't apologize." He took in a deep breath.

"I just couldn't get over that. I could have given you everything you know? We could have been happy, had a perfect family. I could've treated like a princess." The sound of his voice was sad, but Lucy couldn't find any remorse in her heart.

"I know," she started "But I never wanted any of that."

He looked at her with a surprised face. She was the daughter of Jude Heartfilia, the one and only heir to the Lucky Incorporation. How could she not want to inherit a multimillion dollar company?

"Natsu's the one who helped me realize that." Lucy smiled back at an old memory.

"Realize what exactly?"

"That there's more to life than just money." She started, "That I'm more than just the heir to my fathers company."

"And you believed that crap?" Sting said in a slightly angered tone "What the hell would that idiot know about high class society Lucy? He didn't grow up the way you and I did. He could never understand."

"Understand what?" She spat back, "That before birth our whole lives are planned out for us. None of our decisions are our own. You realize our engagement was arranged right?" She said in an obvious tone.

"So what?!" He replied as he looked at her as if she was crazy.

"I didn't want a life like that Sting."

"Then being with Natsu was just a way for you to rebel against our engagement?"

"No it wasn't."

"What was it then Lucy?"

"I love him!"

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