Chapter 12

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It was quiet in the city tonight. The soft whistling of the night breeze was carried throughout the empty streets. An echoed sound of footsteps across the concrete sidewalks, and the flash of a shadow underneath the bright streetlights.

As the sounds of the footsteps continue to fill the streets they slowly come to a stop.

There's a light rhythmic knock.

A door creaks open slightly.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"What's up Flame Brain?"

A dark raven haired man and pink haired man chuckle lowly at each other. The tall pink haired man allows the other one inside. And as the door closes the streets become quiet once again.


Gray slouched over on Natsu's modern block like couch, his feet resting on the ottoman.

"So Lucy said she saw you a couple weeks back." Gray said calmly.

Natsu came into view of the living room with two beers in his hand, he passed on to Gray before sitting down next to him.

"Yea, what of it?" The pink head responded expressionless as he took a swig of his glass bottle.

"You've been here longer than a couple of weeks. Why the hell was she just seeing you?" Gray watched him suspiciously from the corner of his eye.

Natsu sighed as leaned back more on the couch, "I've been busy with work."

"My ass."

"Oi, What the hell is that supposed to mean?" The pink head glared.

"You thought she was still with Sting. Didn't you?" Gray raised an eyebrow.

Natsu stayed quiet. He took a couple more chugs of his beer and sat back up. His head was down and his arms were resting on his knees.

"All that shit that happened back then doesn't matter." Natsu paused.

"Somehow she's become a target for them."

Gray looked at him and then sighed.

"So you made contact with her because you had to right?"


The raven haired mans eyebrow began to twitch a little and his fist connected with the back of the Natsu's head.

"What the hell was that for?!" He screamed in pain and anger as he rubbed the back of his head furiously.

"Your such a fucking idiot Natsu." He took a sip from his cold beverage.

"You fucked up and still won't admit it."

Natsu stood up, his onyx eyes meeting with Grays.

"You know damn well it wasn't just on me." He said in a low tone.

"Maybe." Gray chuckled "But you did start it."

"She chose to be with him Gray. What the hell was I supposed to do?!" The hurt in Natsu's voice was evident.

"You were supposed to fight for her."

Natsu froze.

"Their engagement was arranged and you knew her father was against you two from the beginning. But she chose to stay with you Natsu." The look on Gray's face was serious.

Although his eyes seemed as though they were looking far away, as if into an old memory.

"What could I have done Gray?" The pink heads voice was cracking as his fingers were tangled in his pink locks.

"He has everything I didn't. Money. Fame. A family. Her fathers approval. He had everything."

Neither of them could deny it. Sting Euciffle was rich and Natsu wasn't. But they were both in love with the same girl.

"I didn't have shit."

Gray grabbed his shoulder.

"That's not true."

He looked Natsu straight in his eyes.

"You had Lucy." He smirked "Before Sting even got a chance."

Gray was right, because Natsu had something with Lucy that Sting didn't.

He had a connection with her.

Something sparked whenever they were together. They just clicked like life long friends.

And before the pink head had even realized, he had fallen in love with her.

"I guess I did." He smiled softly "But in the end I couldn't keep her."

The raven haired man stood and handed Natsu his empty beer bottle.

"Now it's time for you to get her back."

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