Chapter 27

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"What the hell does your boss want with Bunny Girl?"

A smirk grew across Stings face, his canines showing slightly. He began to let out a low chuckle.

"Are you serious?" He looked at Gajeel like he was stupid.

The iron giant just growled lowly.

Sting calmed down his chuckles and took in a deep breath.

"Alright look," His expressions suddenly turned serious "Lucy is the perfect weapon for him to use."

"What do you mean by weapon?"

"Seriously?! She's trained in various martial arts, skilled with weapons, and to top it all off she's been trained in the police force." Sting praised.

"Okay so she's a skilled fighter. But she barely knows her way around a gun. So she ain't that great." Gajeel stated nonchalantly.

"So what?" The blonde grinned again "She's a fast learner. And if he can persuade her to join him then she'll be getting headshots in no time."

"You and I both know Natsu ain't letting him get his hands on next question." He grunted "What the hell is this big plan?"

"We're gonna wipe out all you bastards of Fairytail."




The iron giant slammed the interrogation room door before letting out a heavy sigh.

'Damnit!' He slammed his fist onto the wall.

They were in deeper trouble than he and Natsu had realized. It wasn't just about Lucy anymore. It was about all of them. The entire agency was at stake. As Gajeel began to roam out of the basement level of the agency he continued to try to piece together what Sting said.

If Tartaros was after Lucy because they wanted to use her...they weren't that stupid. A highly advanced and committed police officer joining the most dangerous terrorist group around? That's some deep detective work. But that couldn't be it. There had to be something he was missing. A piece of unknown leverage. Maybe...kidnapping her? No..that's not enough motive to get that stubborn blonde to fight.

So what else was there?




"Blackmail." Natsu growled over the phone.

His fellow officer grumbled on the other end of the phone, "What do you think they got on her?"

The pink head thought for a moment. He had known the blonde longer than anyone else. What her childhood was like. How it effected her...Both her parents had passed away. He continued to think of what leverage they could possibly have against the blonde beauty. The family company was out of the question considering how secure it was. It was not that easy to take over, Lucy's father had made sure of that. So what else was there? As far as he knew Lucy didn't really have any other relatives...


"Her sister." Natsu stated.

"Sister?" Gajeel questioned, clearly he didn't remember. But how could Natsu forget?

"Yea. Adopted sister. Her names Michelle..I think."

"Where is she now?"

"No clue. After high school..she just disappeared."

Gajeel grunted, ignoring the unsettling feeling he was getting. A missing sister? This would be interesting.

"I'll have Warren look into her."

"Alright. Thanks Metal Head."

"Don't push it Salamader."




A blue bus came to a stop letting out a single
blonde. She walked casually across a parking lot of a town diner. Lucy looked around for her friend's car in the open space but didn't see it. Although her feet were starting to hurt her she mentally laughed at the fact that she had made it to the destination before her friend.

Approaching the inside of the diner she sat patiently at a booth. Levy's car still hadn't shown up in the parking lot and the blonde began to grow worried. Trying to push all the bad thoughts into the back of her mind she ordered a coffee while she waited.

She began to wonder if Natsu had noticed her absence yet. Would he come after her or would he just wait for her to come back? Probably the first one. The pink head was never patient. Lucy's brown eyes turned to the window pane beside her, looking at the blue sky before her. Hopefully Levy would show up soon, who knows what would happen if she left at dark.

"Hey Lu-Chan!"

"Lev?!" Lucy cheered to see the blunette standing before her.

"Sorry I took so long. Traffic from Magnolia is horrible right now." She stated as she sat in the booth.

"It's no problem. I'm just glad you weren't in any danger." Lucy sighed in relief.

"Don't worry about me Lu. But..." Levy's cheerful face faded as she pulled out a few tan folders with documents, "I'm more concerned about you."

Lucy looked hesitantly at the files in Levy's hands, she grabbed them cautiously.

"What did you find out?"

Levy lowered her voice to a whisper, "Tartaros is a feared terrorist group. The F.O (Fairytail Organization) has been trying to catch them for years with no luck. They have people working for them in almost every major corporation."

"Except for Lucky Co." Lucy stated.

Levy's face turned more serious, "Yea. Also, their leader.. his name is Zeref. Apperantly he has a criminal record of his own. A mob boss who won't hesitate to kill any one in the most gruesome way possible. I gave you a record of all his kills. He is not someone who should be taken lightly Lu."

The blonde nodded in understanding.

"There's also one more thing Lucy."

Brown eyes stared back curiously.

"Zeref is Natsu's brother."




A crimson red mustang was speeding through an empty countryside road.

"Damnit Lucy. What the hell are you up to?"

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