Chapter 13

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"Yo Dragneel!!" A deep voice shouted as small bang of thick papers landed on a desk.

"What the fuck do you want Iron Head?"

A pink head full of hair lifted up from behind a cubicle wall. The tan defined face showed tired onyx eyes as it met with pitch black orbs.

"Check that out." Gajeel grinned with his metal pierced mouth.

Natsu tiredly flipped through the stapled packet. Not really caring what it said until he saw a title that caught his eye.

'Magnolia Protection Agency'

"What the hell is this?" He asked, his gaze never leaving the papers.

"Their making a move tonight. Apparently at some gala. Our team is being asked to partner up with the MPA."

Natsu grinned as he read one of the names listed.

- Lucy Heartfilia

"Remember to dress up tonight." The tall man stated before walking away.


"No. No. No. No. NO."

"Hey Lu how are y-" The blue haired woman paused when she saw the stressful look on her friend's face.

She watched her figure disappear as the blonde woman walked nervously through the office.

There was a loud sound of quickly approaching footsteps. And a loud swish of an opening door.

"What the hell is this?!"

A shocked blonde stood before her two fellow officers holding a packet of paper. She tossed it on the table between the raven haired man and orange haired man.

Gray and Loke looked at each other, took a sip of their coffee, and then sighed.

Before bursting out into uncontrollable laughter.

"I was right." Loke gasped between his laughs.

"Things really are going to get interesting now."

"This isn't a joke!" Lucy shouted as she slammed her palm on the table.

"What the hell is the Fairytail Organization?" She asked loudly.

The two men were still laughing like hyper children but they slowly calmed down.

"Didn't you read the description?" Loke sighed as he readjusted his glasses.

Lucy's eye twitched as she thought back to what she had read a few moments ago.

'Fairytail is a civilian foreign intelligence service of Earthland. This organization is tasked with gathering, processing, and analyzing national security information from around the world, primarily through the use of human intelligence. As one of the principal members of Earthland, Fairytail reports to the Director of National Intelligence and is primarily focused on providing intelligence for the King.'

"Okay whatever. So it's a pretty important organization. So why the hell do we need to team up with them anyway?" Lucy huffed as she sat at an empty chair around the table.

Loke and Gray made eye contact again, the raven haired man gave a nod.

"I think you should wait for Flame Brain to explain it." Gray stated.

The blonde sighed as she leaned back against the chair.

"Another thing that bugs me is that their sending in three of us but two of their agents. How are we going to cover that entire gala with five people?"

Lucy's voice was calm this time. She was just leaning back against the chair lost in her thoughts. One of the things that made her a great agent was that she had the ability to analyze a situation quickly and accurately. But today she felt extra cautious. She was trying hard to focus on her assignment for today but she couldn't get a certain someone out of her mind.

Natsu Dragneel

His name seemed to be the only thing she saw on the paper. And it made her nervous.

"Maybe Makarov will tell us later." Loke stated before there was a light knocking coming from the break room door.

The group turned around to see their blunette friend. She had a slight tint of pink across her cheeks.

"Makarov asked for you three to meet him in his office. Some visitors are here for you." She spoke with a soft smile on her face.

The three looked at each other as if talking with their eyes before they got up and exited the room.


Gray tapped lightly on the chiefs door. He heard a faint 'Come in' and he opened the door. Loke and Lucy followed behind him.

"You wanted to see us Chief?" Lucy poked herself between the two men standing with her.

"Actually I wanted to introduce you," The old man began as his hand gestures to the opposing wall "To your temporary team mates."

As if staying completely invisible the whole time, two tall and buff figures grinned with pearly whites. One had long jet black hair and the other had fluffy pink hair.

"Hey guys, and Luce." Natsu waved with a smile.

"Long time no see." Gajeel grunted.

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