*Chapter 1

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   "Mom..." I quietly mumbled to her while I sat in the passenger seat of the car. I was rubbing my thighs while nervously glancing up at my mother in the driver's seat. We had just got back from walking around the mall for over three hours. But on the way home my mother saw a young man standing on the side of the road with a sign.

   Spare change please.

   That's all that could fit on the small piece cardboard. I quickly looked away from him and his sign. My heart ached at the sight. But there were millions of young people who were homeless all over the world so why did I suddenly feel bad about this person?

   Because he was different. My mother and I both knew that in the back of our heads.

   And though the reason why this guy wasn't just any other homeless person didn't exact click into my head, it sure had clicked in my mom's.

   My mother pushed slightly on the pedal, causing the car to accelerate. She drove toward the guy, passing by old rundown houses and walls covered in graffiti. And not to mention a stop sign but no one was around to see. It was dark and the streets seemed creepy. Honestly, the sight made me want to go home and hide under the covers of my blankets. At least it would be warm in there because it was frickin' freezing out here! I didn't dare say that out loud to my mom though. She'd probably hit me.

   Instead I sneaked a peek at her from the corner of my eye. The moonlight bounced off the hood of the vehicle and penetrated onto my mother's face, lighting up all of her features. Bouncy brown curls that flowed down her back, glistening blue eyes, years of fake happiness scared her with beautiful laugh lines that were present, and anger was written all over her face. Anger? Why was she angry? Unnecessary fear washed over me as I watched the speed thermometer tilt more to the right. Was she going to run over the homeless boy? Of course, I was being stupid for even thinking the thought but I was still lost in confusion.

   When I could no longer stand my impatience, I spoke. "Mom... w-what are you going to do?" I slightly stuttered while my eyes were glued on the guy with the sign.

   "What the hell is wrong with our country? We have children out on the streets..." The violence in her voice made me shiver as she angrily hit the steering wheel with the palm of her hand. Children? I wouldn't go as far as calling that guy a child. He looked more like a man than a kid.

   The car raced up beside the sidewalk and my mom stopped a few feet away from him. She took the keys out of the ignition. "Stay here." She muttered to me, I figured since I was the only one in the car with her. She took her purse, swinging it over her shoulder, and left the front seat, shutting the door behind her.

   Immediately, I grew scared for my mother as I watched her disappear into the darkness. I scanned the dark area outside my window and quickly observed that we were in the 'bad' part of town.


   "Mom can't you just give him a twenty and then we can leave?" I said to myself while I sat alone in the car. The lonely and unimaginably cold car. I reached to turn on the heater but I narrowed my eyes in anger when I discovered that my mother had taken the keys.

   Crap- again.

   I watched her suspiciously from the car, trying to see my way through the darkness. What in God's name was she doing?

   After a minute of unsuccessfully squinting my eyes like an idiot while trying to use my 'cat like reflexes' to see in the dark, I sighed frustratedly because I was tired and I was cold and I was lonely and I was slowly loosing my mind.

   I took in a couple of deep breathes, trying to calm myself as I continued to rub my aching thighs. "Wow, I'm completely ridiculous." I told myself. I seriously needed to drop that habit of talking to myself.

   Despite the cold, I leaned my head back against the headrest and slowly let my eyes drop and I began thinking of things that make me happy. My A in science class that I worked extremely hard for, Trixie (my dog), Justin (my boyfriend), the new dress I just bought at the mall with the help of my mother, how tomorrow I'll-

   Suddenly, the car door opened and my eyes popped open. I stared at my mother for half a second until I comprehend that she was perfectly fine. She must have just given him some money.

   I was satisfied with that.

   I didn't stop to think about why she just didn't give him the money while she stayed inside the car but instead I was easily distracted by the thought of the heater. Mom started the car back up and I quickly turned to blast the heater to high mode when I heard a second car door shut.

   I curiously turned around and found that the guy is sitting in the back of the car. His blond hair swayed above his shoulders and his brown, but almost black, looking eyes gave me a cold stare. I glanced at Mother who was perfectly at ease and was now driving in the direction of our house. I looked back to the guy who is sitting in the back of my car but I couldn't take the stare any longer. I uncomfortably sank into my seat, eyes glued on the windshield ahead of me.

   "Uh- Mom?" I kept staring out the windshield.

   "Hmm?" She answered in a hum.

   "Who is this?" My eyes still glued on the road ahead of us.

   "This is Jason Adams. He doesn't have anywhere to stay so he'll be with us for a while."


A/N: Hi to anyone who is reading this! I can't believe that someone would actually read this far but if you are THANK YOU! Omg you're awesome :)

This is a new story that I wanted to try. I have a lot of ideas and plans for this book! We'll have to see how far it goes, I guess.

The video is absolutely pointless but I love it so much! :D I decided to put it up for my (and hopefully your) amusement.

Anyways please comment and tell me what you think. It would really make my day. Thank you!

So now that you've read my first chapter, maybe you will try the second one? :)



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