Chapter 3

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    Too Close by Alex Clare practically blasted onto my ears. I threw a pillow at the alarm clock, hoping that would shut it up. Unfortunately, it doesn't.

    I sighed dramatically and climbed out of the king's size bed. I rested my feet in slippers and I almost walked out the door until I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror while walking past it. I abruptly turned back to the mirror and stared at myself, almost horror-struck. And then I laughed at the reflection.

    My brown hair looked like a haystack, sticking in every direction. I figured that I must have been so tired last night that I didn't even realize that I had put my tank top in on backwards. Even though I looked like a mess, I couldn't help but laugh. It was pretty funny.

    I decided to get ready before I went down stairs. I took a quick, warm shower and then brushed my teeth and I blow dried my hair. I did some quick work with the flat iron and then I put on some mascara, making the blue in my eyes stand out. I put a little lip gloss on that taste like cherries and then I got dressed into a black V-neck shirt, dark blue skinny jeans, and my white-canvas colored, fold over, high tops. Yeah it was a mouth full to say but they were awesome shoes.

    After a minute of staring at myself in the full length mirror, I decided that I looked decent. I walked over to my humongous bed that was, at the moment, a mess. I neatly fixed the white sheets, and teal colored blankets. I looked over to Trixie's bed and saw that she was still fast asleep in her pink dog bed that had to be at least 10 times bigger than her. Even with all the space she had, she still preferred to sleep with her head hanging off the side.

    I quickly walked down the stairs, taking them two at a time. When I reached the bottom, I rushed over to the kitchen door and pushed it open.

    Mom was standing at the stove making pancakes. On the table were strawberries, bananas, orange juice, hash browns, and so much more unnecessary foods. But I don't care for them that much. My mind is too focused on what questions I was planning to pelt my mother with.

    She looked over at me and smiled but she looked slightly disappointed. Was she expecting Jason? Uh! She was lucky I was not jealous enough to flip out on her. Yet.

    "Hi sweetie." She turned back to the pancakes that were cooking. I scurried over to her side and yanked her arm slightly.

    "Mom, where is he?" Of course, I was talking about Jason. The only other person I could have referred to as 'he' was my father but he was never around.

    My mother rolled her eyes at me while she stared at the pancake. "Still sleeping."

    I sighed and sat at one of the kitchen chairs. "Why is he here?" I drew each word out dramatically.

    Mother turned on her heels sharply and stared at me with anger in her eyes. "Jennifer." She snapped while she slides a pancake onto my plate.

    I turned to her with a half innocent look. "It was just a question!" I put my hands up in surrender.

    She sighed while she poured more batter into the pan with her back to me. "He doesn't have any more family and has no where to stay. So he is staying here. Do not bug him." She growled the last sentence.

    I covered my pancake, that was the size of the plate, in maple syrup, while taking a bite of a strawberry at the same time. "Why is that our problem?" I tried very hard to not sound mean.

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