Chapter 19

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A/N: SUPER LONG CHAPTER! Took me several hours to write but every minute was worth it! I loved writing this chapter and I guess you will just have to find out…



“Mom, tell me the truth.” I demanded. She was sooo lying to me. I knew that.

“I am!” Her fingers rapidly tapped against her IPhone, her eyes not even making contact with mine.

“Mom,” I groaned. “You’re my mother. You’re supposed to tell me when I look like a slut!”

Her eyes snapped toward my direction. “Jennifer, darling, stop worrying please. You look fine. Plus, you can pull off the purple look.”

“While looking like a slut.” I muttered under my breath.

She continued, obviously not hearing me. “You know, I use to look like you once.


I would do anything to show off my teenager legs again. Enjoy it while you can sistah.”

“Mom!” I scowled. “I am not your sistah! I am you daughter.”

“Chill.” She plopped back down on the couch.

“Chill? Oh my god, you’re starting to sound like Kayla.” I groaned in frustration while turning on the curling iron. “It’s sad because you’re not even drunk yet.” She just laughed in response.

“Jennifer, everything will be okay! I’m sure you’ll have all the boys turning their heads.”

“Like Jason.” I growled, annoyed. Again, the woman just laughed.

“You look good with a tan, baby doll.” She commented while leaving me alone in the hotel room. I rolled my eyes.

My mother had finally got a break from her hectic business meetings and decided that we were flying out to Oregon for a mini vacation. She chose Oregon probably because it’s where she grew up. So we had arrived in Oregon and noticed the sun was burning hot, which was unusually rare, so my mother, Jason, and I decided to go to the beach. I got a tan, which I didn’t mind but I just preferred to be lighter. Jason fell asleep on the sand so I decided to bury him in the sand — of course, while he was sleeping. He didn’t even wake up until I started patting the sand onto his forehead.

He was shocked at first but then faked anger. When he tried to brush off the sand, he looked over the amount I had put on him.

And that’s when he saw it.

To make a long story short, I created two large sand bumps right on his chest, making it look as if he had breasts.


He stared at his sandy, ‘womanly lumps’ in absolute horror. But I could easily see the humor in his eyes, which made the brown in them pop. But that humor was gone in an instant when he looked over at me just in time to see the camera on my phone flash.

Whatever brown color that had lit up his eyes was gone instantly and were quickly replaced with a dark black, dangerous look. A really unpretty word slipped through his lips as he shoved himself up from the pounds on sand pushing his body down. I had taken off running and ending up locking myself in the ladies bathroom, inside one of the cubicles.

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