Chapter 20

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   *Warning- soooo not edited*

   But enjoy anyways!!! :D

   There Jason stood in the hallway of the hotel, outside my room. My mother's room was only right next door and his was next to mine. But he was just standing there, so bloody and hurt, in the middle of the hallway where anyone could see him if they were walking by.

   Blood dripped from a cut on his head and drizzled down his cheek. His lip was cut, also bleeding. His knuckles on his hands were bruised, his shirt was practically gone, his usually dirty-blond hair was dark, covered in blood, and there was a haunted look in his black eyes.

   No, they weren't brown. They were definitely black.

   "Jason!" I screamed out. I clasped a hand around my mouth in horror as my eyes looked up and down his body.

   "Damn it Jennifer! You're going to wake someone up!." His whispers were demanding. It took all the strength he had to shove himself into the room and shut the door behind him. He groaned in pain as he clutched his left leg.

   Quickly after my loud out burst in the sleeping hotel, we heard footsteps marching up the stairs.

   Oh crap.

   "Everyone okay?" A male voice shouted out into the hallway. I froze up and shot Jason an anxious look.

   He just shook his head dismissively, a sensual smile on his blooded lips. "Don't worry, they probably think we're just having sex."

   That's when I cracked.

   I curled my hand into a fist and drew it forward, swinging it toward his stomach. I didn't think it was stupid until it was a tad bit too late.

   Some advice; Kids, don't act on anger.

   "Ow!" I whined while I jumped back and clutched my hand to my chest. It stung like hell. Damn, it was like hitting a frickin' rock!

   I had thought my effort to teach Jason a lesson was useless, until I heard Jason moan. I turned to look at him and he fell to the ground with a thump, clutching his hand to his stomach in pain.

   Wow........ It probably did sound like we were having sex in here.


   I shook my head and dismissed the thought from my head. Even though he was being an idiot, I still hurt him. I suddenly felt guilt crawl over me.

   Jennifer how could you! The poor guy was already so hurt that he looked like he might of passed out from it all at any second and you just had to hurt him even more! Wow, you're a good person... Not.

   "Oh my god." I cried out in a whisper while I fell to my knees after him. I turned his shoulder over gently so I could see his face but his eyes were tightly closed. "Jason, are you okay?"

   His eyes slowly opened and stared deeply into mine. "Sure," He drew out slowly, and sarcastically. Pain flooded through his voice. "'Cause you know, the view of the carpet is better down on the ground."

   If he wasn't so hurt, I would have slapped him.


   Instead I tried to ignore his annoying side comments. "What happened to you?" I tugged lightly on his arm, trying to pull him to his feet but he wasn't budging.

   "I um..... ran into a..... a pole."

   Seriously? That was his story?

   "I ran into a pole my ass." I growled. He laughed but then started coughing. He tightly held his gut, trying to ease the pain, I guess.

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